
英语作文    发布时间:2024-07-25  



1.Classroom - 课堂

2.Teacher - 教师

3.Student - 学生

4.Education - 教育

5.Lesson - 课程

6.Lecture - 讲座

7.Discussion - 讨论

8.Assignment - 作业

9.Syllabus - 教学大纲

10.Curriculum - 课程设置

11.Textbook - 教科书

12.Blackboard/Whiteboard - 黑板/白板

13.Handout - 发放的资料

14.Grading - 评分

15.Attendance - 出勤


In the classroom, the air is filled with the scent of knowledge and the buzz of eager minds. It is a place where the past meets the future, where the wisdom of the ages is passed down to the next generation. Teachers stand at the front, not just as instructors, but as guides, leading students through the labyrinth of information, helping them to find their way to understanding.

The classroom is a microcosm of society, a place where students learn not only facts and figures but also how to interact with others, how to think critically, and how to solve problems. It is a safe space for trial and error, where mistakes are not failures but stepping stones to success.

As the bell rings, marking the end of the lesson, students leave with more than just notes and assignments. They carry with them the seeds of knowledge, the spark of curiosity, and the tools to shape their own destinies. The classroom is not just a room; it is a journey, a beginning, a lifelong adventure in learning.





❶ 他在页边空白处做笔记。He made some notes in the margin.

同类表达 She wrote reams of notes. 她做了大量笔记。

❷ 她正在复习笔记准备考试。She is looking over her notes before the exam.

同类表达 In preparing for the exam, Mary reviewed her notes. 玛丽通过复习笔记来准备考试。

❸ 全班25人只有10人去上课了。Only 10 out of 25 showed up in the class.

同类表达 Our class has 25 people, but only 10 went to the class.

❹ 别忘了随身带笔记本去阶梯教室。Don't forget to take your notebooks with you to the lecture room.

同类表达 I forgot to bring my course book. 我忘记带课本了。

❺ 今天下午我们将在阶梯教室上课。We will have class in the lecture room this afternoon.

同类表达 We will have class in Room 302 this afternoon. 今天下午我们将在302教室上课。

❻ 对于我来说,上课最大的困难就是保持清醒。For me, the hardest part of having class is staying awake.

同类表达 It's hard for me to stay awake when having class.

Staying awake is the hardest part for me when having class.

❼ 坦率地讲,当我坐在教室后排时,我看不清黑板上的字。Frankly, when I sit at the back of the classroom, I can't see the words on the blackboard clearly.

同类表达 Sitting at the back of the classroom, I can't see the blackboard clearly.

❽ 你可以给我一些范例吗?Could you give me some examples?

同类表达 Could you give me a few more details? 你能详细说明一下吗?

❾ 我不理解这个理论。I'm confused by the theory.

同类表达 I don't quite understand the theory.

I can't make out the theory.

❿ 我现在选了六门课。I'm taking six classes right now.

同类表达 I'm overloaded with schoolwork everyday. 我每天功课负担很重。