
英语作文    发布时间:2023-11-21  



Habit - 习惯,常态

Routine - 例行公事,常规

Custom - 习俗,风俗

Tradition - 传统,习惯做法

Pattern - 模式,规律

Behavior - 行为,举止

Practice - 实践,实施

Ritual - 仪式,典礼

Addictive - 使人上瘾的,令人无法自拔的

Break a habit - 打破习惯,改掉陋习


1. Bad habits die hard.(坏习惯难改)

   - 意思是改掉坏习惯或改变行为很困难。

2. Old habits die hard.(老习惯难改)

   - 意思是人们倾向于继续用一贯的方式做事,即使这不是最好或最有效的方式。

3. Kick a habit.(戒除习惯)

   - 意思是停止或戒掉一个坏习惯或瘾。

4. Creature of habit.(习惯动物)

   - 指的是一个习惯性地按照一定的例行公事或习惯行事,喜欢熟悉和例行公事的人。

5. In the habit of.(习惯于)

   - 意思是经常或频繁地做某事。

6. Break the habit.(改掉习惯)

   - 意思是停止做已经成为常规或根深蒂固行为的事情。

7. A hard habit to break.(难以改掉的习惯)

   - 指的是一个很难停止或改变的习惯。

8. Habitual offender.(惯犯)

   - 指的是一个反复从事非法或有害活动的人。



A: What are your habits?

B: I have a habit of exercising every morning.

A: That's great! How long have you been doing that?

B: I've been doing it for about a year now. It really helps me feel energized for the day.

A: I should start developing a habit like that too. I always feel so sluggish in the morning.

A: 你有什么习惯吗?

B: 我每天早上锻炼是我的习惯。

A: 太好了!你坚持了多久了?

B: 我已经坚持了大约一年了。锻炼真的让我感到精力充沛。

A: 我也应该养成这样的习惯。我早上总是感觉很懒散。


A: Do you have any bad habits?

B: Well, I have a habit of biting my nails when I'm nervous.

A: Oh, I used to do that too. It's a tough habit to break.

B: Yeah, I've been trying to quit for a while now, but it's not easy.

A: Have you tried any strategies to help you stop?

B: I've tried wearing nail polish and using bitter-tasting nail products, but nothing seems to work.

A: 你有什么坏习惯吗?

B: 嗯,当我紧张的时候,我有咬指甲的习惯。

A: 哦,我以前也有这个习惯。这是一个难以改掉的习惯。

B: 是的,我一直在尝试戒掉,但并不容易。

A: 你尝试过一些方法来帮助你停止吗?

B: 我试过涂指甲油和使用苦味的指甲产品,但似乎没有什么效果。


❶ 他打呼噜打得很厉害。He snores really badly.

对话 A: My husband snores really badly. 我老公打呼噜打得很厉害。

B: I'm sorry to hear that. 抱歉听到这个。

❷ 我吃饭很不规律。I have meals irregularly.

对话 A: I have meals irregularly. 我吃饭很不规律。

B: This is really a bad habit. You should try to get rid of it. 这真的是一个坏习惯,你要想办法改掉。

❸ 我一说谎就忍不住眨眼睛。I can't help blinking my eyes whenever I lie.

对话 A: I can't help blinking my eyes whenever I lie. 我一说谎就忍不住眨眼睛。

B: Then I can judge whether you are lying. 那我可以判断你是否在说谎。

❹ 她每晚都裸睡。She sleeps in the nude every night.

对话 A: She sleeps in the nude every night. 她每晚都裸睡。

B: Yeah, it's hard for her to sleep with clothing on. 是啊,她穿衣服很难睡着。

❺ 她一紧张就咬指甲。She bites her nails whenever she gets nervous.

同类表达 I can't say a word when I get nervous. 我一紧张就说不出话来。

❻ 我总是边看电视边吃晚饭。I always watch TV while having dinner.

同类表达 I always read newspaper while having breakfast. 我经常边看报纸边吃早饭。

❼ 不要养成散漫的生活作风。Don't form an undisciplined way of life.

对话 A: I am addicted to the life of sleeping late and getting up at noon. 我沉溺于晚睡晚起的生活。

B: Don't form an undisciplined way of life. 不要养成散漫的生活作风。

❽ 江山易改,本性难移。A man never gives up his hobbies until he is dead.

对话 A: Why can't you get rid of your stubbornness? 你为什么不能改掉你固执的性格?

B: A man never gives up his hobbies until he is dead. 江山易改,本性难移。

❾ 他容易失去冷静。He is easy to lose his cool.

对话 A: Why does he often dispute with others? 他为什么经常与人争论?

B: He is easy to lose his cool. 他容易失去冷静。

❿ 我习惯晚睡晚起。I'm used to sleep late and get up late.

这样回答 It's a bad habit. 这是个坏习惯。