
英语作文    发布时间:2024-08-15  



Interview: 面试

Candidate: 应聘者

Employer: 雇主

Job description: 职位描述

Company culture: 公司文化

Responsibilities: 职责

Career development: 职业发展

Team environment: 团队环境

Benefits package: 福利待遇

Work-life balance: 工作生活平衡

Growth opportunities: 成长机会

Company vision: 公司愿景

Salary range: 薪资范围

Question and answer session: 问答环节


During the job interview process, candidates often have the opportunity to ask questions to the employer. This is a crucial part of the interview as it allows the candidate to gain insights into the company's culture, the specific responsibilities of the role, and the team environment they would be joining. Asking thoughtful questions demonstrates the candidate's interest and enthusiasm for the position.

For instance, a candidate might inquire about the company's vision for the future and how the role contributes to that vision. They might also ask about opportunities for professional development and growth within the company. Questions about work-life balance and the benefits package are also common as they reflect the candidate's desire for a holistic work experience.




❶ 你有什么问题要问吗?Is there anything you want to know?

❷ 如果得到录用,我的具体职责是什么?What specific duties would I perform if I'm hired?

同类表达 What would my daily duties be? 我的日常工作会是什么?

Could you tell me what my job would entail? 你能说说我的工作要干些什么吗?

❸ 您介不介意我问您一个问题?Do you mind me asking a question?

对话 A: Do you mind me asking a question? 您介不介意我问您一个问题?

B: Of course not. Go ahead, please. 当然不会。请讲。

❹ 这份工作包含什么福利?What kind of benefits does this job have?

同类表达 What does the benefits package include? 福利主要包括哪些?

这样回答 This job pays for half of your medical, endowment and disability. 这份工作会支付你的医疗、养老以及伤残的一半费用。

❺ 工作时间有多长?What hours would I be working?

同类表达 What are the normal working hours? 正常的工作时间是什么时候?

这样回答 Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.. 周一至周五,早上九点至下午五点。

❻ 这个工作有假期吗?Does this job have vacation time?

同类表达 What kind of vacation time comes with the job? 这个工作有些什么假期?

❼ 试用期多久?How long is the probationary period?

同类表达 How long is the trial period?

这样回答 Generally, it is three months, and during this period you can get 80% paid. 一般来说是三个月,这期间你只能拿到工资的80%。

❽ 我得先试用你三个月。I'll have to put you on three months' probation first.

同类表达 We will accept you for a three months' period of probation. 我们将先接受你来试用三个月。

❾ 你们会提供何种培训?What type of training do you provide here?

同类表达 Do you have a training program for new employees? 新员工有培训项目吗?

I'd like to know if the company provides opportunities for further education. 我想知道贵公司是否给员工提供进修的机会。

❿ 贵公司的员工都是如何晋升的?How does one advance in the company?

同类表达 What are the prospects for advancement? 晋升的前景如何?