
英语作文    发布时间:2024-04-16  



Food safety - 食品安全

Contamination - 污染

Hygiene - 卫生

Hazard analysis critical control points (HACCP) - 危害分析关键控制点

Foodborne illness - 食源性疾病

Quality control - 质量控制

Food inspection - 食品检验

Sanitation - 卫生设施

Cross-contamination - 交叉污染

Shelf life - 保质期


Food safety is paramount to ensuring public health. - 食品安全对保障公众健康至关重要。

Proper hygiene practices are essential for preventing food contamination. - 适当的卫生习惯对预防食品污染至关重要。

The HACCP system helps identify and control potential hazards in food production. - 危害分析关键控制点体系有助于识别和控制食品生产中的潜在危害。

Foodborne illnesses can be prevented through proper food handling and storage. - 通过适当的食品处理和储存可以预防食源性疾病。

Regular food inspection ensures compliance with safety standards. - 定期的食品检验确保符合安全标准。


Food safety is of paramount importance to everyone. With the improvement of living standards, people are paying more and more attention to the quality and safety of food. However, food safety issues often cause people's concerns. Unqualified food may lead to foodborne illnesses, posing a threat to health.

Ensuring food safety requires efforts from various aspects. Firstly, the government should strengthen supervision, establish a sound legal system, and crack down on illegal activities. Secondly, food production enterprises should strictly abide by hygiene standards, strengthen quality control, and ensure the safety of products. At the same time, consumers should also enhance their awareness of food safety, choose qualified food, and correctly store and process food.

Only with the joint efforts of the government, enterprises, and consumers can food safety be effectively guaranteed, allowing people to consume food with peace of mind and enjoy a healthy life.





❶ 这家快餐店爆出牛肉有问题。There is something wrong with the beef in this fast food restaurant.

对话 A: There is something wrong with the beef in this fast food restaurant. 这家快餐店爆出牛肉有问题。

B: I never go to that restaurant. 我从来不去那家店。

❷ 在家里吃饭是最健康的方式。Eating at home is the healthiest way.

对话 A: Let's eat out. 我们出去吃吧。

B: Why not have dinner at home? Eating at home is the healthiest way. 为什么不在家里吃?在家里吃饭是最健康的方式。

❸ 这鱼尝起来有点儿变质了。The fish tastes a bit off.

对话 A: Take a seat and try the fish I made for you. 坐下来尝尝我给你做的鱼。

B: The fish tastes a bit off. 这鱼尝起来有点儿变质了。

❹ 这些蛋糕变味了。These cakes are stale.

对话 A: These cakes are stale. Don't eat them. 这些蛋糕变味了,不要吃了。

B: Really? But I bought them just two days ago. 真的吗?但是我才买了两天啊。

A: I think we'd better throw them away. 我觉得应该把它们扔掉。

❺ 我想是过期了。我看一下。I think it may be out of date. Let me check.

❻ 这家餐厅从来不用人工香料。This restaurant never uses artificial spices.

对话 A: Why do you recommend this restaurant? 你为什么推荐这家餐厅?

B: Because this restaurant never uses artificial spices. 因为这家餐厅从来不用人工香料。

❼ 我不相信转基因食品。I don't trust genetically modified food.

对话 A: I don't think genetically modified food is healthy. 我认为转基因食品不健康。

B: I don't trust genetically modified food, either. 我也不相信转基因食品。

❽ 我再也不会买街头食物了。I'll never purchase street food.

❾ 是什么说服你购买有机食品呢?What convince you to buy organic food?

同类表达 Can you tell me the reason why you want to buy organic food? 能告诉我你为什么要买有机食品吗?

Is it true that organic food is healthier than ordinary food? 有机食品比普通食品更健康吗?

❿ 我们最好远离不安全的食物。We'd better stay away from unsafe food.