Tom had a load on at Mary's party.
汤姆在玛丽的生日聚会上感到有负担 / 背上了包袱。
辨 析:
have a load on是一则美国俚语,意思是“喝醉了”。这一俚语来自load一词词义的引申。load的原义是“装载”,a load of/loads of的意思是“很多”、“大量”,而load后来又有了“猛吃狂喝”的意思,free load则指“白吃”或“白喝”,甚至可用作动词,如:
Some people successfully free load their way through life.有些人居然能白吃白喝过一辈子。
He felt good after a few glasses.(不是“感觉良好”,而是“微醉”。)
That man was soon full to the gills .(也说stewed to the gills或 up to the gills,指灌了满肚子酒,而且一直满到腮帮子。)
That guy looked bright in the eye .(喝醉时眼里会有一种特殊的兴奋的神色。)
He walked like three sheets in the wind .(像纸片被风吹得乱飘。)
Soon he was as high as a kit e.(醉得飘飘然,好像风筝飞上了天。)
Now he was really full as an egg .(满肚子灌满了酒,摇摇晃晃站不稳,倒是有点像鸡蛋。)
He went to bed in his boots last night.(醉鬼倒头就睡,才懒得脱衣脱鞋呢。)
He was now blind to the world .(醉得不知世事了。)
He went to the tavern and got completely bombed .(醉成一摊,像被炸晕了一样。)