
英语作文    发布时间:2024-10-22  



  1. Schedule

    • Example: We need to schedule a meeting for next week.

    • 翻译:我们需要安排下周的会议。

  2. Plan

    • Example: She has a plan to improve her study habits.

    • 翻译:她有一个提高学习习惯的计划。

  3. Organize

    • Example: He likes to organize his desk every morning.

    • 翻译:他喜欢每天早上整理他的书桌。

  4. Agenda

    • Example: The agenda for today’s meeting includes budget discussions.

    • 翻译:今天会议的议程包括预算讨论。

  5. Appointment

    • Example: I have a doctor's appointment at 3 PM.

    • 翻译:我下午3点有一个医生的预约。

  6. Coordinate

    • Example: She will coordinate the event planning team.

    • 翻译:她将协调活动策划团队。

  7. Deadline

    • Example: The deadline for submitting the report is Friday.

    • 翻译:提交报告的截止日期是周五。

  8. Allocate

    • Example: We need to allocate resources more efficiently.

    • 翻译:我们需要更有效地分配资源。

  9. Confirm

    • Example: Please confirm your attendance at the event.

    • 翻译:请确认你是否参加活动。

  10. Prepare

    • Example: She is preparing for her final exams next month.

    • 翻译:她正在为下个月的期末考试做准备。

  11. Prioritize

    • Example: It's important to prioritize your tasks for the day.

    • 翻译:为当天的任务设定优先级很重要。

  12. Delegate

    • Example: He decided to delegate some tasks to his team.

    • 翻译:他决定将一些任务委派给他的团队。

  13. Notify

    • Example: Please notify everyone about the change in plans.

    • 翻译:请通知每个人计划的变更。

  14. Follow-up

    • Example: I will follow up on the status of the project next week.

    • 翻译:我下周会跟进项目的状态。

  15. Review

    • Example: We should review the proposal before making a decision.

    • 翻译:在做决定之前,我们应该审查一下提案。

  16. Reschedule

    • Example: We need to reschedule our meeting due to a conflict.

    • 翻译:由于冲突,我们需要重新安排会议。

  17. Task

    • Example: Each team member has been assigned a specific task.

    • 翻译:每个团队成员都被分配了特定的任务。

  18. Implementation

    • Example: The implementation of the plan will take several months.

    • 翻译:该计划的实施将需要几个月的时间。

  19. Review

    • Example: Please review the documents before the meeting.

    • 翻译:请在会议之前审核一下文件。

  20. Strategy

    • Example: We need a clear strategy for our marketing campaign.

    • 翻译:我们需要一个明确的市场营销战略。


Planning is an essential part of our daily lives. It helps us organize our time and resources efficiently, ensuring that we can accomplish our tasks effectively. For instance, when preparing for an important meeting, we need to create a schedule that includes all necessary activities, such as gathering information, setting up the meeting space, and confirming attendance. A well-structured plan allows us to identify priorities and allocate time effectively.

Moreover, planning reduces stress. When we have a clear agenda, we are less likely to feel overwhelmed by unexpected tasks. It also helps us stay focused and committed to our goals. For example, students who create a study plan are more likely to manage their time well and perform better in exams.

In addition, planning fosters better teamwork. When team members know their roles and responsibilities, it leads to more efficient collaboration. For instance, during a group project, assigning tasks according to each member's strengths can improve the overall outcome.

In conclusion, effective planning is crucial for success in both personal and professional life. It not only helps us achieve our goals but also enhances our productivity and teamwork. Therefore, taking the time to plan thoroughly can lead to more successful outcomes and a less stressful life.






❶ 这是我们准备的日程表。Here's the schedule we've prepared.

同类表达 I'm wondering whether you like this arrangement. 不知您是否满意这个安排?

❷ 您什么时间方便?What is the convenient time for you?

对话 A: What is the convenient time for you? 您什么时间方便?

B: Let me check. I am available tomorrow afternoon. 我看一下。我明天下午有时间。

❸ 史密斯先生要来参观我们公司,我们必须安排一个合适的时间。Mr. Smith will visit our company, and we must arrange an appropriate time.

同类表达 Mr. White has a full schedule next week. 怀特先生下周的行程已经排满了。

❹ 我们已经顺利地把行程安排好了。We've arranged our schedule without any trouble.

同类表达 I have arranged your schedule and I hope it's suitable. 我已经为您安排好了行程,希望安排得恰当。

对话 A: We've arranged our schedule without any trouble. 我们已经顺利地把行程安排好了。

B: When can I visit your company? 我们什么时候可以参观你们公司?

❺ 这个时间对我来说很合适。That will be fine for me.

同类表达 Twelfth is out and fourteenth is fine. 十二号不行,十四号可以。

❻ 明天有什么安排吗?What's the program for tomorrow?

同类表达 What's the arrangement tomorrow? 明天有什么安排吗?

What do we do tomorrow? 我们明天做什么?

❼ 代表团定于明日到达。The delegation is scheduled to arrive tomorrow.

❽ 您和史密斯先生有一个工作午餐。You have a working lunch with Mr. Smith.

同类表达 When shall I go to meet Mr. Smith? 我应该什么时候去见史密斯先生?

❾ 那天我要出差。I'll be travelling on business that day.

同类表达 According to the schedule, tomorrow afternoon is our meeting time. 根据行程安排,明天下午是我们的会面时间。

❿ 如果你现在方便的话,我想讨论一下行程安排的问题。I'd like to talk about the schedule if it's convenient for you now.

这样回答 It's up to you. 你来决定就行。