所属栏目:每日翻译 发布时间:2023-04-26 浏览:1401
He returned home at the dead of night. 【误译】他回家后晚上就死了。 【正确】他半夜回家。 说明:the dead of night是意为“半夜”、“深夜”。 习语"the dead of night"是指晚上深夜的时刻,通常是指从午夜到黎明之间的时间段。这个习语通常用来描述一些在深夜发生的事情,因为在这个时候大部分人都在睡觉,街道也变得十分寂静。 以下是几个应用"the dead of night"的例子: 1. “She woke up in the dead of night, feeling afraid and alone.”(她在深夜醒来,感觉害怕和孤独。) 2. “The burglars broke into the house in the dead of night when everyone was asleep.”(小偷在所有人都睡觉的深夜闯进了房子。) 3. “He would often work on his novel well into the dead of night, fueled by coffee and a sense of urgency.”(他经常在深夜工作自己的小说,喝咖啡保持清醒并因为紧迫感而激励自己。) 4. “The concert ended in the dead of night, leaving fans exhausted but satisfied.”(音乐会在深夜结束,留给粉丝们疲惫却满足的感受。)