所属栏目:每日翻译 发布时间:2023-03-30 浏览:1351
He built a 17-meter-long pool at the back garden to try to be in the swim. 【误译】他为了游泳在后园中建造了17米长的游泳池。 【正确】他为了赶时髦在后园中建造了17米长的游泳池。 说明:在口语中,the swim有“潮流”、“时髦”等意思,in the swim 意为“赶潮流[时髦]的”,out of the swim意为“不合潮流的”。 "in the swim" 通常用来形容一个人或组织紧跟时代潮流,追求时尚和趋势的状态。 1. 形容一个人对于一种新事物或新技术有很强的兴趣和研究精神。例如:“He's always in the swim when it comes to the latest gadgets.”(他总是对最新的电子产品有极大的兴趣并及时了解最新动态。) 2. 形容一个组织对于市场或社会变化始终保持敏锐和反应迅速。例如:“Our company has been in the swim of technology advancement, and we have always kept up with the times.”(我们公司一直处在科技进步的前沿,始终与时俱进。) 3. 表示个人或组织在某方面非常成功或受到关注。例如:“Ever since he opened his new restaurant, he has been in the swim of things in the culinary world.”(自从他开了新餐厅,他就在烹饪世界中备受瞩目。) 4. "in the swim" 还可以表示在某个特定群体或行业中有广泛的联系和社交活动。例如:“As a fashion blogger, she has always been in the swim of things at fashion events and parties.”(作为时尚博主,她一直参与时尚活动和派对,与行业内人士保持广泛的联系。) 除此之外,"Swim"还有以下的解释和应用: 1. 指鱼、鸟等动物在水中或空中自如移动的方式。例如:"The dolphin swam gracefully through the water."(海豚优雅地在水中游动。) 2. 形容词,表示物体浸泡在液体中时能够浮起并保持表面不沉没。例如:"This material is very light and will swim on top of the water."(这种材料非常轻,会漂浮在水面上。) 3. 比喻一件事情或人在困境中艰难前行或挣扎,但仍在坚持和努力。例如:"Despite facing many challenges, the small business managed to swim against the tide and survive."(尽管面临许多挑战,这家小企业还是努力克服困难,并成功存活下来。) 4. "Swim" 还可以作为名词使用,表示一个游泳比赛。例如:"She competed in the 100-meter butterfly swim at the Olympics."(她在奥运会上参加了100米蝶泳比赛。)