Amid concern about rampant individualism and excess , she evokes a simpler , gentler era .
So we need a trend away from excessive individualism and towards greater social responsibility .
One might say there is something profoundly american in this . It 's our fierce individualism shining through .
And many immigrants have discovered that they rather like the conservative appeal to the rugged individualism and family values of the prairies .
Prof layard makes that clear in his comments on the decline of community and the family and the rise of individualism , crime and television .
Churches with red neon crosses dot the city 's skyline , prompting theories that wenzhou 's business culture is rooted in a form of protestant individualism .
Alongside our entrepreneurial spirit and rugged individualism , america only prospers when we meet our obligations to one another ; and to future generations .
I 've always been interested in pop art and popular culture itself . I was looking for a way to express myself concerning today 's materialism and individualism .