Greater transparency along with an appropriate regulatory framework will need to emerge but trying to regulate such activities prematurely could actually do more harm than good by stifling the learning process .
Earlier saturday , british prime minister gordon brown warned finance ministers against prematurely withdrawing stimulus measures as a fragile recovery begins to take hold .
" The best way of reducing excess capacity is by not prematurely unwinding stimulus spending , " lin of the world bank told time .
Nine years later , as mbeki prepares to leave office prematurely , humiliated and rejected by the party he dedicated half a century of his life to , there are few who do not believe he was the architect of his own downfall .
Affirming the fed 's political independence and equipping it with better tools would help the central bank combat inflation when the time comes . It would also lessen the risk that it tightens prematurely just to demonstrate its resolve .
Even for germany , prematurely closing down nuclear plants with substantial remaining service lives will be costly ; berlin 's ministry of economics and technology forecasts that total real expenditures on primary energy will increase by one-third by 2030 even as consumption declines .