When christians pray , " your will be done , on earth as it is in heaven , " the one prayer given to us by jesus , it seems to me that this should obligate us to , as much as we can , make choices that are as merciful and loving as possible .
The pope had implied , for example , that muslims believed in a deity so far beyond all categories-such as goodness or rationality-that god could as easily be cruel and irrational as merciful or peaceloving .
As far as I can tell from talking to proponents of the knife-in-the-head method , the idea is that it 's more violent but ultimately more merciful , plus that a willingness to exert personal agency and accept responsibility for stabbing the lobster 's head honors the lobster somehow and entitles one to eat it .
I look at that website more times a day than I go to the loo ( forgive me , merciful god ! )
But time has a merciful way of offering a little perspective and some needed healing .
Who knows if he has a place for people like you ? We are told he is merciful , too . After all , it is ramadan , the peak season of mercy and atonement for sins .