英语笑话:The Driver’s Wife 司机的妻子

英语作文    发布时间:2024-08-27  

The Driver’s Wife

A man is speeding down the freeway when he’s stopped by a police car and has to pull over.“Do you realize you were doing 80 m.p.h.in a 60 m.p.h.zone,sir?”asks the policeman.“That’s impossible,sir.I never break the speed limit,”replies the driver.The driver’s wife cuts in and says,“Yes,you do,I’m always telling you to keep your speed down.”The policeman says,“I also noticed,sir,that you didn’t have your seat belt on.You put it on as I was walking over to your car.”“That is not true,sir.I always wear my seat belt,”replies the driver.“No,you don’t.I’m always telling you to put your seat belt on,”says the driver’s wife.“Damn it,woman,”the driver explodes,“Can’t you,just for once,keep that big,fat trap of yours shut?”The policeman is a bit shocked by how the driver is speaking to his wife,so he moves around to her side of the car.“Does he often speak to you like this,madam?”“Oh,no,officer,”she says,“only when he’s drunk.”




Driver - 司机

Speeding - 快速驾驶,超速

Freeway - 高速公路

Police car - 警车

Pull over - 把车停到路边

Speed limit - 速度限制,限速

M.p.h. - 英里每小时(miles per hour)

Zone - 区域,区域限制

Seat belt - 安全带

Wife - 妻子

Keep down - 降低,减少

Explode - 大声说,爆发

Trap - 嘴,陷阱

Shut - 关闭,闭嘴

Shocked - 震惊的

Side of the car - 车边

Madam - 夫人,女士

Drunk - 醉酒的