
英语作文    发布时间:2023-11-28  



Dinner - 晚饭

Supper - 晚餐

Mealtime - 用餐时间

Dining table - 餐桌

Table setting - 餐具摆放

Main course - 主菜

Side dish - 配菜

Appetizer - 开胃菜

Dessert - 甜点

Cutlery - 餐具

Napkin - 餐巾

Serve - 上菜

Eat out - 外出用餐

Home-cooked meal - 家常菜

Family dinner - 家庭晚餐

Set the table - 摆放餐具

Clear the table - 收拾餐桌

Leftovers - 剩菜剩饭

Three-course meal - 三道菜式

Enjoy your meal! - 祝你用餐愉快!


A: Hey, what do you feel like having for dinner tonight?

A: 嘿,今晚想吃什么?

B: I'm not sure. How about some Chinese food?

B: 我不确定。中餐怎么样?

A: That sounds good. Do you have any specific dishes in mind?

A: 听起来不错。你有什么具体的菜想吃吗?

B: I'm craving some dumplings and fried rice.

B: 我想吃一些饺子和炒饭。

A: Great! There's a Chinese restaurant nearby that serves really delicious dumplings.

A: 太好了!附近有一家中餐馆做的饺子非常好吃。

B: Perfect! Let's go there then. What time should we meet?

B: 太棒了!我们去那里吧。我们几点见面?

A: How about 7:00 pm? That should give us enough time to get there.

A: 七点怎么样?这样我们有足够的时间赶过去。

B: Sounds good. See you at 7:00 pm then!

B: 好的。七点见!

A: See you then! I'm looking forward to some delicious dumplings.

A: 那就见了!我期待着一些美味的饺子。


❶ 你能赶回家吃晚饭吗?Will you be home in time for dinner?

对话 A: Will you be home in time for dinner? 你能赶回家吃晚饭吗?

B: It depends. 视情况而定。

❷ 我太累了,不想做晚饭。I am too tired to cook supper.

这样回答 Then let's eat out. 那我们去外面吃吧。

Let me cook. 我来做吧。

❸ 准备一下餐具好吗?Would you set the table?

同类表达 Set the table with spoons and knives. 在桌子上摆好勺和刀。

❹ 帮我准备晚餐。Help me prepare dinner.

对话 A: Stop watching TV and help me prepare dinner. 不要只顾着看电视,来帮我准备晚餐。

B: I'm coming. 我来了。

❺ 今天该你做晚饭了。It's your turn to cook supper.

对话 A: It's your turn to cook supper. 今天该你做晚饭了。

B: I remember I did it yesterday. 我记得昨天就是我做的。

A: I guess you would say so. 我就猜到你会这样说。

❻ 晚饭十分钟之后就好。Dinner will be ready in ten minutes.

同类表达 In ten minutes. 十分钟之后。

Just a minute, supper will be ready soon. 请稍等,晚饭马上好。

❼ 如果你还没吃饱,锅里还有饭。There is more rice in the cooker if you are still hungry.

这样回答 Not necessary. I'm full. 不用了,我饱了。

❽ 你把餐桌收拾一下,我去洗碗筷。Clear the table and I'll do the dishes.

这样回答 Deal! 一言为定!

OK! 好的!

❾ 我太累了,不想收拾桌子。I'm very tired and I don't want to clear the table.

这样回答 Leave it to me. 把它交给我吧。

❿ 如果你吃过晚饭,我就不做了。If you've already had supper, I won't cook it.

对话 A: If you've already had supper, I won't cook it. 如果你吃过晚饭,我就不做了。

B: I haven't had supper yet. 我还没吃晚饭呢。
