双语启发故事:EMILY, THE BRIDE 幸福新娘埃米莉

英语作文    发布时间:2023-12-26  


A few decades ago in New York, there was a girl named Emily, whose ideal was like each young girl's: to find a handsome ideal lover to marry and live to an old age. But the girls around her had married successively and she was still alone. She was always full of remorse all day, firmly believing that her dream would never come true.

After her family's persuasion, Emily went to see a famous psychologist. When they shook hands, her cold fingers made the psychologist quiver, and her sad eyes and pale gaunt face were telling him, “I'm hopeless, and what way will you have?”

After pondering for a long while, the psychologist said, “Emily, I want to ask you to help me. I really need your help. Can you?” Emily nodded doubtfully.

“My family will have a family party on Tuesday, but my wife has more work than she can cope with alone. You come to help me entertain the guests. Tomorrow morning, you first go to buy a new set of clothes, and then do your hair. You will help me entertain the guests, saying that you welcome them on behalf of me and help them, particularly the lonely people.” Emily looked uneasy, so the psychologist encouraged her, “It doesn't matter. In fact, it is very simple. For example, when you find someone doesn't carry a cup of coffee, hand it to him or her; if it is too sultry , open the window or something.” Emily finally agreed to try it.

On Tuesday, Emily came to the party with decent hairstyle and dress. According to the psychologist's requirement, she fulfilled her duty, doing nothing but help others. Her eyes lively and smiling, she completely forgotten her worry and became the most popular one at the evening party. After the party, three young men offered to escort her home.

Week by week, the three young men were pursuing Emily ardently. She eventually agreed with the proposal of one of them. The psychologist was invited as a guest to attend their wedding. Looking at the happy bride, the people said that the psychologist created a miracle.







-remorse [rɪˈmɔːs] n. 懊悔

-gaunt [ɡɔːnt] adj. 憔悴的

-sultry [ˈsʌltrɪ] adj. (指天气)湿热难耐的
