
英语作文    发布时间:2024-08-30  



1. 救生圈 (Life Buoy)

  • Life Buoy

  • 救生圈

2. 救生衣 (Life Jacket)

  • Life Jacket

  • 救生衣

3. 救生筏 (Life Raft)

  • Life Raft

  • 救生筏

4. 救生艇 (Lifeboat)

  • Lifeboat

  • 救生艇

5. 救生信号灯 (Distress Signal Light)

  • Distress Signal Light

  • 救生信号灯

6. 救生哨 (Safety Whistle)

  • Safety Whistle

  • 救生哨

7. 救生标志 (Life Saving Mark)

  • Life Saving Mark

  • 救生标志

8. 救生手套 (Life Saving Gloves)

  • Life Saving Gloves

  • 救生手套

9. 救生绳 (Life Line)

  • Life Line

  • 救生绳

10. 救生器材 (Life Saving Equipment)

  • Life Saving Equipment

  • 救生器材


  1. Life Buoy: The life buoy was thrown to the person who fell into the water.

    • 救生圈被扔给了落水的人。

  2. Life Jacket: Make sure everyone on the boat is wearing a life jacket.

    • 确保船上的每个人都穿着救生衣。

  3. Life Raft: In case of an emergency, deploy the life raft immediately.

    • 在紧急情况下,立即展开救生筏。

  4. Lifeboat: The lifeboat is equipped with all necessary survival gear.

    • 救生艇配备了所有必要的生存装备。

  5. Distress Signal Light: Use the distress signal light to attract attention if you are in trouble.

    • 如果你遇到困难,使用救生信号灯来引起注意。

  6. Safety Whistle: The safety whistle is essential for signaling distress.

    • 救生哨对于发出求救信号至关重要。

  7. Life Saving Mark: The life saving mark indicates the location of safety equipment.

    • 救生标志标示了安全设备的位置。

  8. Life Saving Gloves: Wear life saving gloves when handling rescue operations.

    • 在进行救援操作时戴上救生手套。

  9. Life Line: Secure the life line to prevent anyone from falling overboard.

    • 固定救生绳,以防止任何人掉入水中。

  10. Life Saving Equipment: Regularly check and maintain all life saving equipment on the vessel.

    • 定期检查和维护船上的所有救生器材。