
英语作文    发布时间:2024-01-29  



Dissatisfied - 不满意的

Unhappy - 不开心的

Frustrated - 沮丧的

Displeased - 不悦的

Irritated - 恼怒的

Disgruntled - 不满的

Upset - 心烦的

Annoyed - 烦恼的

Discontented - 不满足的

Resentful - 愤恨的


A: I'm really dissatisfied with the service at this restaurant.


B: What happened? Could you please tell me more about it?


A: The waiters were rude and the food took forever to arrive.


B: That's definitely unacceptable. Did you speak to the manager about it?


A: Yes, I did. But even the manager seemed indifferent to my concerns.


B: I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe we should try a different restaurant next time.



My Dissatisfaction with the Education System 我对教育系统的不满

I have been a student in the current education system for many years, and I must confess that I am deeply dissatisfied with it. There are several reasons for my discontent.

Firstly, I feel that the emphasis on rote memorization and standardized tests stifles creativity and critical thinking. Instead of encouraging students to think independently and explore their own interests, the system focuses solely on regurgitating information for exams. This approach fails to nurture well-rounded individuals with diverse skills and talents.

Secondly, the heavy workload and intense competition add unnecessary pressure on students. The education system seems more concerned with ranking students and achieving high scores rather than fostering a love for learning. This leads to high levels of stress and anxiety among students, which can have long-lasting negative effects on their mental health.

Furthermore, the lack of practical skills taught in schools is another source of my dissatisfaction. While theoretical knowledge is important, it should be supplemented with practical skills that are essential for real-life situations. Unfortunately, the current system often neglects this aspect, leaving students ill-prepared for the challenges they will face outside of the classroom.

In conclusion, the current education system fails to meet the needs of students in various aspects. It hinders creativity, creates unnecessary pressure, and lacks a focus on practical skills. It is my hope that reforms will be implemented to address these issues and provide a more holistic and effective education for future generations. 







❶ 无聊死了。I'm bored to death.

同类表达 I'm about to die of boredom.

I'm so bored.

对话 A: How's the party? 聚会怎么样?

B: I'm bored to death. 无聊死了。

❷ 他絮絮叨叨让人厌烦。He's like a broken record.

对话 A: Mr. Lin is a talker, isn't he? 林先生爱说话,不是吗?

B: He's like a broken record. 他絮絮叨叨让人厌烦。

❸ 我对这份工作厌烦透了。I've had it with this job.

同类表达 I am tired of this job.

对话 A: I've had it with this job. 我对这份工作厌烦透了。

B: Stop complaining. 别抱怨了。

❹ 似乎没完没了。It seems endless.

对话 A: The meeting has lasted for two hours. 这个会议开了两小时了。

B: It seems endless. 似乎没完没了。

❺ 你只会说不会做。You're all talk and no action.

对话 A: Don't worry. I'll take that. 别担心,交给我。

B: You're all talk and no action. 你只会说不会做。

❻ 你的回答我无法接受。Your answer is unacceptable.

对话 A: You are a good man, and you will find a better girlfriend than me. 你是个好男人,你会找到比我更好的女朋友。

B: Your answer is unacceptable. 你的回答我无法接受。

❼ 不要这么满腹牢骚。Don't be so grouchy.

同类表达 Don't be such a crab.

Stop belly-aching.

对话 A: I hate my job. I don't want to work! 我讨厌我的工作,不想上班!

B: Don't be so grouchy. 不要这么满腹牢骚。

❽ 饶了我吧。Have a heart!

同类表达 Give me a break! 饶了我吧!

Let it go! 算了吧!

❾ 我不想听。I don't want to hear it.

对话 A: Please listen to my explanation. 请听我解释。

B: I don't want to hear it. 我不想听。

❿ 她又来了。There she goes again.

同类表达 She's starting it again.