埃菲尔铁塔 The Eiffel Tower

英语作文    发布时间:2023-08-31  

埃菲尔铁塔 The Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark in Paris. It was built between 1887 and 1889 for the welcome of Exposition Universelle. It is 300 meters tall. There are 1,665 steps inside the Eiffel Tower. After the tower was built, it was only meant to be kept for 20 years. People did not like the Eiffel Tower. 20 years later, the tower became the treasure of Paris. The visitors' tickets in a year weigh 2 tons. There are stairs to the third and the highest level . But these stairs are usually closed to the public. It is generally only accessible by lift .

New Words and Expressions(生词和短语)

-landmark ['lændmɑ:k ] n. 地标

-welcome ['welkəm ] n. 欢迎

-treasure ['treʒə(r) ] n. 财富;财宝

-weigh [weɪ ] vt. 有……重

-level ['levl ] n. 水平;层

-usually ['ju:ʒuəli ] adv. 通常,经常

-generally ['ʤenərəli ] adv. 普遍地,一般地

-lift [lɪft ] n. 电梯

Exposition Universelle (1900年巴黎举办的)世界博览会

be only accessible by lift 只有乘电梯才能抵达

Sentence Patterns(句型练习)

1. It was built for the welcome of Exposition Universelle.


The road was built for the local people. 这条公路是为本地人建造的。

The tunnel was built for the sake of transport.


2. It was only meant to be kept for 20 years. 当时人们只想让塔保留20年。

It was meant to be a secret. 本来是想就此事保密的。

This coat is meant for a larger person. 这件外衣是为身材更高大的人设计的。



埃菲尔铁塔是法国巴黎的著名地标。为了迎接世界博览会,法国人于1887至1889年期间建造了这座铁塔。塔高300米,里面有1 665级台阶。铁塔造好之后,人们只意欲保留20年。大家都不喜欢这座塔。20年后,埃菲尔铁塔成了巴黎的财富,每年的游客门票重达2吨。有楼梯通向铁塔的第三层和最高层,不过这些楼梯通常不对公众开放,上去一般只能坐电梯。