ing 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Ing is the fourth bank to settle such allegations in the past three years .
- 荷兰国际集团为过去3年中第四家涉及此类指控的银行。
- A report by ing yesterday said shipping activity at us ports has suddenly dived .
- ing昨天的一份报告指出,美国港口的航运业务已经大幅跳水。
- I remember you tel I ing me but I forgot .
- 我记得你告诉过我,可我忘了。
- The shi ing company should be liable for their rough handling .
- 船运公司应该对他们的野蛮装卸负责。
- I.d. ing it just became a whole lot easier .
- 要确定它的身份就容易得多了。
- He was watch ing the crowd go by .
- 他注视着人群走过。
- Ron weasley : are we ing some sort of wizard army ?
- 罗恩斯莱:我们是在组建一支巫师军吗?
- They were ~ ing to rob a bank .
- 他们正策划抢银行。
- They gave him a choice of resign ing , to save face .
- 他们给了他自动辞职的机会以保全他的面子。
- I didn 't think he would go out without tell ing me -- I expected better of him .
- 我想他不会不跟我说一声就出去的--我对他有更高期望。