无声电影 Silent Movies

英语作文    发布时间:2023-08-31  

无声电影 Silent Movies

Silent movies frighten many movie viewers. Despite the success of the largely silent Oscar winner The Artist in 2011, they seem so foreign to most audiences. There are quite few silent movies these days. However, silent movies can actually be a big hit with modern viewers. Even young children can enjoy some silent movies. For example, one of the most famous silent comedians is Charlie Chaplin. He is also one of the most accessible for kids because of his wild slapstick humor. His City Lights (1931) and Modern Times (1936) were actually made after the end of the silent era . But today they are the most famous of Chaplin's films.

New Words and Expressions(生词和短语)

-frighten ['fraɪtn ] vt. 使惊吓,吓唬

-despite [dɪ'spaɪt ] prep. 尽管

-success [sək'ses ] n. 成功,成就,胜利

-foreign ['fɒrən ] adj. 陌生的

-audience ['ɔ:diəns ] n. 观众,听众

-comedian [kə'mi:diən ] n. 喜剧演员;滑稽人物

-accessible [ək'sesəbl ] adj. 易接近的,可理解的

-slapstick ['slæpstɪk ] n. 滑稽剧,低俗的闹剧

-era ['ɪərə ] n. 时代,年代,纪元

Sentence Patterns(句型练习)

1. Despite the success, they seem foreign to most audiences.


Despite the heavy snow, they are still working hard on the site.


Despite their great success, they continue to work hard.


2. He is also one of the most accessible to kids because of his wild slapstick humor.


She can't go out because of the illness。她生病了,不能出门。

I was late for school because of the traffic jam. 因为堵车,我上学迟到了。


