

arrow 变化形式
复数: arrows
易混淆的单词: ArrowARROW

arrow 箭
来自arc, 弧,弓。拼写受row影响俗化。
arrow 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- And you have 40 seconds to shoot each arrow .
- 射一支箭的时间是40秒。
- When cupid 's hand is forced , his arrow is liable to misfire .
- 如果丘比特手不由己,他的箭就可能射偏。
- When you 're hit by cupid 's arrow , you effectively become delusional .
- 当你被丘比特的箭射中后,你立马就开始产生妄想了。
- Dig a little deeper , though , and time 's arrow becomes mysterious .
- 然而,再深入探讨,时间之箭就变得神秘了。
- The heart is colored with strawberry jam , and the arrow uses cocoa powder .
- 这颗心的颜色是用草莓果酱做的,那支箭用的是可可粉。
- In the upper right corner of a preferred page , there 's a box with an arrow in it .
- 在一个你喜欢的页面的右上角,有一个里面有箭头的小框。
- This diagram is also missing an arrow , one that goes from server1 to a news aggregator .
- 这个图表中仍然缺少一个箭头,一个从服务器到新闻聚合器的箭头。
- Click the drop-down arrow next to the new wave button on the search panel and select new extension installer .
- 点击搜索面板上“newwave”按钮旁的那个下拉箭头,选择安装新的扩展项。
- If a website sells your data to outside parties , it gets a dollar sign inside an orange circle with an upward pointed arrow .
- 如果一个网站销售数据面向外界时,它会得到一个里面有一个向上指着的箭头的美元符号的橙色圆圈。
- Still when your market penetration is as deep as facebook 's it 's going to be difficult to avoid the occasional downward arrow .
- 毕竟,当你的市场渗透到facebook这样深的时候,统计表上偶尔的下箭头是难以避免的。