初中英语小短文30篇:23、A Bus Ride 乘公共汽车

英语作文    发布时间:2023-01-11  

23、A Bus Ride 乘公共汽车

One day I was on a bus. I found an elderly woman standing in front of me. She had a big bag in her hand. 

"It's a virtue for a young person to help the old,"I said to myself. 

When I was standing up to give my seat to the old lady, a young foreigner got up quickly saying, "Please sit down."The old lady thanked him and sat down. She looked very happy. 

I was a little embarrassed because I was sitting in the middle of the bus. 

Suddenly a pregnant woman got onto the bus. I quickly stood up to give up my seat to her. 

The foreigner smiled at me. He said that he was an Australian, and was a student studying Chinese culture in China.







ride 骑马、骑脚踏车或乘坐公共交通工具旅行   elderly 年长的   virtue 美德   pregnant 怀孕的