
英语作文    发布时间:2024-08-14  



1.Expat - 指在国外长期居住的外籍人士。

2.Cultural shock - 文化冲击,指个人在进入一个与自己文化背景截然不同的新环境时所经历的困惑和不适。

3.Adaptation - 适应,指个人逐渐习惯新环境的过程。

4.Integration - 融入,指个人在社会和文化层面与新环境融合的过程。

5.Homesickness - 思乡病,指远离家乡的人对家乡的思念和情感上的不适。

6.Globalization - 全球化,指世界各地的经济、文化和社会活动日益紧密联系和相互影响的过程。

7.Expatriate - 移居国外的人。

8.Immigrant - 移民,指永久性地移居到另一个国家的人。

9.Overseas - 海外的,通常指在自己国家以外的地方。

10.Multicultural - 多元文化的,指包含或涉及多种文化的。


Living in a foreign country is an adventure that opens one's eyes to new cultures and ways of life. It's a journey of self-discovery and growth, where every day presents a new challenge and an opportunity to learn. From the initial excitement of exploring unfamiliar streets to the eventual comfort of understanding local customs, the experience is transformative. However, it's not without its difficulties. Moments of homesickness and cultural misunderstandings are common, but they contribute to a deeper understanding and appreciation of one's own culture and the new one being embraced.



❶ 有人会和我共用这间房吗?Do I share this room?

同类表达 Is the room all for me? 整间房都是我的吗?

❷ 我的衣服可以放在哪里?Where can I put my clothes?

同类表达 Can I have some more hangers? 可不可以再给我几个衣架?

这样回答 You can hang your clothes in this wardrobe. 你可以把你的衣服挂在这个衣柜里。

❸ 我想躺下来休息。I'd like to lie down.

同类表达 I'd like to take a rest first. 我想先休息一下。

❹ 我想先把行李里的东西拿出来。I'd like to unpack first.

对话 A: Would you like something to eat? 你想吃点儿什么吗?

B: No, thank you. I'd like to unpack first. 不了,谢谢。我想先把行李里的东西拿出来。

❺ 我的英语不够好。My English is not good enough.

同类表达 I only speak a little English. 我只会说一点点英语。

❻ 能不能说慢一些?Can you speak more slowly?

同类表达 Do I speak too fast for you? 我是不是说得太快了?

I can't follow you. 我听不太懂。

❼ 你听得懂我说的话吗?Am I making sense?

同类表达 Do you understand what I'm trying to say? 你明白我的意思吗?

❽ 你们都什么时候吃晚饭?What time do you usually have dinner?

同类表达 She tried to cook Chinese food for me and I really appreciated that. 她试着给我做中餐,我非常感激她。

❾ 我晚上可以冲澡吗?Can I take a shower at night?

同类表达 How often can I take a bath? 我多久可以洗一次澡?

Please conserve water. 请节约用水。

❿ 我可以喝冰箱里的橙汁吗?Can I drink orange juice in the fridge?

同类表达 Can I keep my food in the fridge? 我能把我要吃的东西放在冰箱里吗?

Can I eat things in the fridge? 我可以吃冰箱里的东西吗?