
英语作文    发布时间:2023-11-16  

关于装修的词汇 、短语

装修:renovation, decoration






建筑材料:building materials

水电工程:plumbing and electrical work



灯具:lighting fixtures


铺地毯:lay carpet

装修公司:renovation company

进行装修:do the renovation

换新地板:replace the flooring

刷墙:paint the walls

安装瓷砖:install tiles

打造开放式厨房:create an open-plan kitchen


更换水管:replace the plumbing

安装新的灯具:install new lighting fixtures

装修预算:renovation budget

装修计划:renovation plan

Start the renovation project (开始装修工程)

Choose a color scheme (选择颜色方案)

Install new fixtures (安装新的装置)

Arrange furniture (布置家具)

Measure for new curtains (量新窗帘尺寸)

Selecting materials (选择材料)

Discussing interior design ideas (讨论室内设计理念)

Home improvement (家居装修)

Remodeling the house (重新装修房子)

Refurbishing the kitchen (翻新厨房)

Redecorating the living room (重新装饰客厅)


❶ 你打算怎么装修?How do you plan to decorate it?

这样回答 I plan to repaint our house by myself. 我想自己把房子再粉刷一遍。

I want to make it more colorful and attractive. 我想让它变得更富有色彩,更加迷人。

❷ 我们的房子需要翻修一下。Our house needs a renovation.

❸ 你对卧室的装修有什么建议吗?Do you have any suggestions for decorating the bedroom?

这样回答 We can ask someone to draw a picture on the wall. 我们可以叫人帮我们在墙上画幅画。

❹ 我打算在阳台上安一个花架。I plan to fix a flower stand on the balcony.

对话 A: I plan to fix a flower stand on the balcony. 我打算在阳台上安一个花架。

B: It's troublesome. 太麻烦了。

❺ 咱们把房子改建一下怎么样?What about remodeling our house?

同类表达 I am thinking about redecorating our house. 我想要重新装修一下我们的房子。

这样回答 Maybe we should make a blueprint first. 也许我们应该先画个蓝图。

The roof has leaks in it, and the front steps need to be fixed.

❻ 这里应该有个大的开放空间。There should be a large open space.

对话 A: There should be a large open space where we can get together. 这里应该有个大的开放空间,可以供我们聚会用。

B: Good idea. I was thinking about the same stuff. 好主意,我跟你想的一样。

❼ 我想把房间刷成蓝色。I want to paint the room blue.

对话 A: What about repainting the living room primrose yellow?你觉得把客厅刷成淡黄色怎么样?

B: I want to paint the room blue. 我想把房间刷成蓝色。

❽ 我在看装修的书和杂志。I'm reading decorating books and magazines now.

❾ 我在装修的时候对选择材料非常用心。I think a lot of the material when decorating.

❿ 地板是我装修时首先考虑的。The first thing to consider when decorating my room is floor.

同类表达 The first thing to consider when decorating is the paint. 涂料是我装修时首先考虑的。


A: Have you started the renovation yet?
B: Yes, we've already demolished the old walls.
A: That's great. What's next on the renovation plan?
B: Next, we'll be painting the walls and installing new flooring.
A: Are you hiring a renovation company to do the work?
B: Yes, we hired a professional company to handle the renovation.

A: 你们开始装修了吗?
B: 是的,我们已经拆除了旧的墙壁。
A: 太好了。装修计划上接下来是什么?
B: 接下来,我们将刷墙并安装新地板。
A: 你们会雇佣装修公司来做这些工作吗?
B: 是的,我们雇佣了一家专业的装修公司来处理装修工作。

A: Have you decided on the color scheme for the living room?

B: I'm thinking of going with a combination of light gray and navy blue.

A: That sounds elegant. What about the furniture?

B: I'm considering getting a modern-style sofa and a wooden coffee table.

A: Nice choice. It's going to look great once it's all set up.

A: 你决定客厅的颜色方案了吗?

B: 我打算选择浅灰色和深蓝色的组合。

A: 听起来很优雅。家具方面呢?

B: 我在考虑买一张现代风格的沙发和一个木制咖啡桌。

A: 不错的选择。一切都安排好后,看起来会很棒。

A: When are we starting the renovation project?

B: I've scheduled the start date for next Monday.

A: That's coming up soon. Are all the materials ready?

B: Yes, we've got everything we need, from flooring to paint.

A: Perfect. I can't wait to see the finished result.

A: 我们什么时候开始装修工程?

B: 我已经安排了下周一开始施工。

A: 马上就要到了。所有材料都准备好了吗?

B: 是的,从地板到油漆,我们需要的都有了。

A: 太好了。我迫不及待想看到最终的成果。