名篇背诵:At Parting 告别

英语作文    发布时间:2024-06-11  

At Parting 告别

威廉·S. 毛姆(William S. Maugham)

A few days later Mrs. Carey went to the station to see Philip off. She stood at the door of the carriage, trying to keep back her tears. Philip was restless and eager. He wanted to be gone.

“Kiss me once more,” she said.

He leaned out of the window and kissed her. The train started, and she stood on the wooden platform of the little station, waving her handkerchief till it was out of sight. Her heart was dreadfully heavy, and the few hundred yards to the vicarage seemed very, very long. It was natural enough that he should be eager to go, she thought, he was a boy and the future beckoned to him; but she — she clenched her teeth so that she should not cry. She uttered a little inward prayer that God would guard him, and keep him out of temptation, and give him happiness and good fortune.

- restless [ˈrestlɪs] a. 焦虑的,烦躁的

- vicarage [ˈvɪkərɪdʒ] n. <英> 教区牧师的住宅

- beckon [ˈbekən] v. 向……招手

- utter [ˈʌtə(r)] vt. 发出,表达




威廉·萨默塞特·毛姆(William Somerset Maugham)是一位英国作家,生于1874年1月25日,去世于1965年12月16日。他是20世纪最知名的小说家和剧作家之一,其作品被广泛翻译并受到全球读者的欢迎。

毛姆的作品以其对人性、道德困境和社会观察的深刻描绘而著称。他的代表作品包括《月亮与六便士》(The Moon and Sixpence)、《人性的枷锁》(Of Human Bondage)和《东方之珠》(The Painted Veil)。他的作品常常探讨个人自由、传统与现代价值观的冲突以及人类内心的复杂情感,展现了对人性的深刻洞察和对社会问题的关注。

除了小说,毛姆还以其戏剧作品享有盛誉,例如《月亮下的人》(The Moon and the Sixpence)和《理想之岛》(The Ideal Husband)。他的作品通常以清晰、优美的文字风格和精致的情感描写著称,赢得了广泛的读者和评论家的赞誉。