
英语作文    发布时间:2024-09-06  



House Relocation - 房屋搬迁

Lease Renewal - 租约续签

Property Search - 房产搜索

Moving Costs - 搬家费用

Rental Agreement - 租赁协议

Home Inspection - 房屋检查

Tenant Rights - 租户权利

Real Estate Agent - 房地产代理

New Residence - 新居

Landlord - 房东


Changing homes and continuing to reside in a new location involves several important steps. First, individuals need to find a suitable property that meets their needs, whether it is for renting or purchasing. This process often requires working with real estate agents to explore various options and negotiate terms. Once a new home is selected, the next step is managing the moving process, which includes packing, hiring movers, and handling moving costs. It's also crucial to review and sign a new lease or purchase agreement, ensuring that all conditions are clear and agreeable. Additionally, both landlords and tenants should be aware of their rights and responsibilities to avoid any future disputes. Successfully transitioning to a new home requires careful planning and organization, but it can lead to a more satisfying living situation and improved quality of life.



❶ 我们可以为您延长预订。We'll extend the reservation for you.

同类表达 I want to stay one more night. 我想再多待一晚。

对话 A: We'll extend the reservation for you. 我们可以为您延长预订。

B: That's very kind of you. 你们真是太好了。

❷ 能给我换个房间吗?太吵了。Can you change the room for me? It's too noisy.

这样回答 We'll make the room change for you. 我们可以给您换个房间。

❸ 您希望延长几个晚上?How many nights do you wish to extend?

同类表达 How much longer would you like to stay? 您想再住多久?

这样回答 I want to extend my stay three more nights. 我想延长我的住宿,再多待三个晚上。

❹ 让我帮您联系另一家酒店,好吗?Shall I contact another hotel for you?

同类表达 I'll see if there is any vacant room in another hotel. 我会看看另外一家酒店是否还有空房间。

❺ 我能把房间保留到今天下午吗?Could I keep the room until this afternoon?

对话 A: Could I keep the room until this afternoon? 我能把房间保留到今天下午吗?

B: I'm afraid not. 恐怕不行。

❻ 我的航班要到晚上九点才起飞,我不想整天待在机场。My flight doesn't leave until 9 p.m., and I don't want to wait around at the airport all day.

❼ 假如我们的客房没有订满的话,我们可以让您免费住半天。If we weren't so heavily booked, we could let you stay in the room free of charge for half of the day.

❽ 我查一下后三天的客房可入住情况。I'll check our room available for the next three days.

同类表达 I'm afraid our hotel is fully booked for the next week. 恐怕下周我们酒店的客房都订满了。

❾ 我们饭店现已住满,您的房间已预订给别人。The hotel is full and there has been someone taking your room.

❿ 非常抱歉,恐怕要请您在上午十一点前搬出房间了。I'm afraid you'll have to vacate your room by 11 a.m..