Much of this work seeks to comprehend , in stylized theoretical settings , the unfolding of economic events over time .
In these group settings , people can share their feelings and learn coping skills .
They cooked and plated the meals , pairing the food with simple place settings .
A body farm is a research facility where human decomposition can be studied in a variety of settings .
An increase in non-formal and informal learning can be expected to enhance the demand for assessment and recognition of competences gained outside formal learning settings .
Some primate species , it turns out , are indeed simply violent or peaceful , with their behavior driven by their social structures and ecological settings .
Less than two years later , another event proved that autonomous vehicles could drive safely in urban settings .
The use of the linux operating system in commercial settings is spreading rapidly , poised to one day become predominant .
The results also indicate that people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds may do better in cooperative settings than those who are wealthy .
Guys often compare themselves with other guys in certain settings , and one of the most common is the locker room .