HK 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- You don 't buy a horse if you can win only hk $ 5 00000 .
- 如果你只能赢50万港元的话,你是不会买这样的马的。
- Does cherry like watching hk movies ?
- 詹妮喜欢看香港电影吗?
- The hkma can impose periodic deflations because hk is not a democracy .
- 香港金管局可以实施周期性的通缩,因为香港实行的不是民主制度。
- The asking price is hk $ 250 million and savills is an appointed agent .
- 该房屋要价2.5亿港元,第一太平戴维斯是房屋的指定代理商。
- No one has ever made a penny speculating against the peg , even when the hk economy was under considerable stress .
- 没有人曾经对港币挂钩美元进行过任何的操纵,甚至在香港经济相当紧张的时期。
- So , we stage significant shows during art hk in our own space on hollywood road .
- 因此,在香港国际艺术展期间,我们会在荷里活道我们自己的展厅中举办重要展览。
- Art hk drew 63000 visitors in 2011 , up 38 % on the previous year and nearly as many as came to basel itself .
- 在2011年香港国际艺术展吸引了63000名游客,比往年上升了38%,几乎和去巴塞尔展览一样多。
- Does linda like watching hk movies ?
- 你喜欢看美国电影吗?
- The first year for art hk took me on 40 flights in six months .
- 在筹办第一届香港国际艺术展的6个月期间,我乘坐了40次飞机。
- An example of this is the hkma which has pegged the hk $ to the us $ for the past thirty years .
- 一个例子就是香港的金管局,在过去的三十年,港币是与美元挂钩的。