
v.对(数量)估计过高,对…作过高的评价( overestimate的现在分词 )
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- And , as in domestic politics , there is a risk of overestimating what she can do .
- 而在国内政治领域,存在着一种过高估计她能力的风险。
- Most importantly , there is a danger of overestimating the appetite for new issues .
- 最重要的是,市场中存在着高估对新发行债券需求的危险。
- The republicans may be overestimating it .
- 共和党人可能高估了。
- The human habit of overestimating other people 's happiness is nothing new , of course .
- 人类低估他人幸福感的习惯并不是什么新生事物。
- If a fund is overestimating the value of the illiquid assets , then its manager 's profit is grossly overestimated .
- 如果基金高估了非流动性资产的价值,基金经理的收益也严重高估了。
- Audio finds frog counters may be overestimating
- 利用录音发现青蛙的数量可能被高估了
- One possibility is that central banks are overestimating the scale of economic weakness , and keeping interest rates too low as a result .
- 一种可能是央行过高地估计了经济疲软的程度,从而保持了过低的利率。
- Aside from perhaps his overestimating the quality of the education system , this is very bad statistics , and perhaps shows how easily we can get intellectually overwhelmed by large numbers .
- 即使我们不细究他高估了教育系统的质量,这仍是非常糟糕的统计方式,而且这也说明我们的头脑多么容易被天文数字所愚弄。
- Overestimating the potential for growth can lead the fed to overdose the economy and generate unwelcome inflation , as it did in the 1970s .
- 高估了经济增长潜力可能导致联邦的货币政策过于激进,引发通货膨胀,就像上世纪70年代一样。
- Richard armstrong , managing director of eurekahedge 's owners , eureka capital partners in singapore , says there will be more closures , but feels speculation in the media is overestimating the number .
- eurekahedge的母公司新加坡eurekacapitalpartners的董事总经理理查德阿姆斯特朗(richardarmstrong)表示,将会有更多的基金倒闭,但他觉得媒体上的推测高估了这一数字。