
英语作文    发布时间:2024-09-24  



Schedule - 时间表

Timeline - 时间线

Milestone - 里程碑

Deadline - 截止日期

Gantt chart - 甘特图

Progress tracking - 进度跟踪

Variance - 偏差

Critical path - 关键路径

Resource allocation - 资源分配

Adjustments - 调整


Effective progress control is vital for the success of any project. It involves monitoring the timeline and ensuring that tasks are completed as scheduled. By establishing a clear schedule with defined milestones, project managers can measure progress and identify any deviations from the plan.

One crucial tool for progress control is the Gantt chart, which visually represents the project timeline and highlights critical tasks. This helps teams understand their responsibilities and deadlines, fostering accountability. Regular progress meetings provide an opportunity to discuss any challenges and make necessary adjustments to keep the project on track.

Additionally, variance analysis plays a significant role in progress control. By comparing the planned progress with actual performance, managers can pinpoint areas that may require extra attention or resources. This proactive approach allows teams to address issues before they escalate, minimizing delays and ensuring successful project completion.

In conclusion, effective progress control is essential for achieving project goals within the specified timeframe. Through diligent monitoring, clear communication, and timely adjustments, project managers can steer their teams toward success.






❶ 会议延长了。The meeting is dragging on.

同类表达 He drew the meeting out. 他延长了会议。

❷ 每个议题只有十五分钟时间。There will be fifteen minutes for each item.

同类表达 We'll have to keep each item to fifteen minutes. Otherwise we'll never get through. 我们需要将每个议题控制在十五分钟以内,否则的话我们永远也完成不了。

❸ 会议要开很长时间。It's going to be a long meeting.

同类表达 This meeting is time-consuming. 这个会议真费时。

对话 A: It's going to be a long meeting. 会议要开很长时间。

B: Oh, it seems that I have to cancel the appointment tonight. 哦,看来我得取消今天晚上的约会了。

❹ 把这个会议延长是浪费时间。It would be a waste of time to prolong the meeting.

❺ 会议比预计时间延长了半个小时。The meeting took half an hour more than it was supposed to.

对话 A: The meeting took half an hour more than it was supposed to. 会议比预计时间延长了半个小时。

B: Yes. We wasted a lot of time on the third item. 是呀,我们在第三个议题上浪费了很多时间。

❻ 我认为我们最好把它留到下次会议再讨论。I think we'd better leave that for the next meeting.

同类表达 We have to leave that to another time. 我们不得不再找时间讨论这个。

❼ 可惜的是,我们没有足够的时间了。It's a pity that we're running short of time.

同类表达 I'm afraid we've run out of time. 恐怕我们没有时间了。

❽ 别白费口舌了。Stop beating a dead horse.

同类表达 I think we've spent enough time on this topic. 我想我们已经在这个话题上花费了足够多的时间。

❾ 言归正传吧!Let's get back to the point!

同类表达 Get to the heart of the matter! 谈问题的实质吧!

❿ 我们忽略了这一点。We've lost sight of the point here.