
英语作文    发布时间:2024-05-31  

作文1:Overcoming Difficulties

Last summer, I faced a daunting challenge when I decided to learn how to swim. Despite my fear of water, I was determined to conquer this fear. Through perseverance and the support of a patient instructor, I gradually gained confidence in the water. Overcoming this obstacle not only improved my physical fitness but also taught me the valuable lesson that with determination, any obstacle can be overcome.




daunting challenge(艰巨的挑战)



gain confidence(获得信心)

valuable lesson(宝贵的教训)

作文2:A Personal Triumph

During my final year of high school, I encountered a major setback when I fell ill just before the crucial college entrance exams. Despite the physical and mental challenges, I refused to give up. With the help of supportive friends and family, as well as dedicated teachers, I managed to recover and prepare for the exams. Ultimately, I not only passed the exams but also gained a sense of resilience and determination that has stayed with me ever since.




major setback(重大挫折)

fell ill(病倒)

refused to give up(拒绝放弃)


resilience and determination(坚韧和决心)

作文3:Conquering Adversity

As a competitive athlete, I once faced a serious injury that threatened to derail my athletic career. Instead of giving in to despair, I underwent rigorous rehabilitation and physical therapy. With unwavering determination and the support of my coaches and teammates, I made a full recovery and returned to the sport stronger than ever. This experience taught me the importance of perseverance and the resilience of the human spirit.




serious injury(严重伤病)

threatened to derail(有可能毁掉)

underwent rigorous(接受严格的)

unwavering determination(坚定不移的决心)

resilience of the human spirit(人类精神的坚韧性)

作文4:Rising Above Challenges

When I moved to a new city for university, I faced the challenge of adapting to a different environment and making new friends. Despite initial feelings of loneliness and homesickness, I actively participated in campus activities and reached out to fellow students. Through perseverance and resilience, I gradually built a supportive social circle and embraced my new life. This experience taught me the value of stepping out of my comfort zone and embracing change.




adapting to(适应)


actively participated(积极参与)

supportive social circle(支持性的社交圈)

stepping out of my comfort zone(走出舒适区)