
英语作文    发布时间:2023-12-29  



Report a loss - 报告丢失

Lost and found - 失物招领

File a lost report - 提交丢失报告

Lost property - 失物

Stolen - 被盗

Misplaced - 放错地方

Missing - 失踪

Theft - 盗窃

Identity theft - 身份盗窃

Block a card - 冻结卡片

Cancel a card - 注销卡片

Replace a card - 重新办理卡片

PIN reset - 重置密码

Proof of ownership - 所有权证明

Insurance claim - 保险索赔

Police report - 警方报告

Lost and Found department - 失物招领部门

Search for lost items - 寻找丢失物品

Item description - 物品描述

Retrace steps - 追寻自己的行动轨迹


A: Hi, I'm sorry, but I need to report a loss.

B: Of course, what have you lost?

A: My wallet. It's got my ID, credit cards, and some cash.

B: I'm sorry to hear that. Can you provide some details about the wallet? What does it look like?

A: It's a black leather wallet with a silver emblem on the front. It's quite slim.

B: Thank you. When and where did you last see it?

A: I think I last saw it in the coffee shop near the park. It must have been around 3 PM.

B: Alright, I'll report this to the police and also inform the bank about your credit cards. Please make sure to monitor your accounts for any suspicious activity.

A: Thank you so much for your help. I'll do that right away.

A: 嗨,对不起,我需要报告一件失物。

B: 当然,你丢了什么?

A: 我的钱包。里面有我的身份证、信用卡和一些现金。

B: 听到这个我很遗憾。你能提供一些关于钱包的详细信息吗?它长什么样子?

A: 它是一个黑色的皮质钱包,前面有一个银色的标志。它相当薄。

B: 谢谢。你最后一次看到它是什么时候,在哪里?

A: 我想我最后一次看到它是在公园附近的咖啡店。大概是下午3点左右。

B: 好的,我会向警方报告这个情况,也会通知银行关于你的信用卡。请确保监控你的账户是否有任何可疑活动。

A: 非常感谢你的帮助。我会立即照做。


In today's fast-paced world, it's not uncommon to lose track of personal belongings. Whether it's a misplaced wallet, a lost phone, or a forgotten set of keys, the loss can be both inconvenient and potentially dangerous. Reporting lost items promptly is crucial to mitigate the risks and to increase the chances of recovery.

When I realized my wallet was missing, I felt a sinking sensation in my stomach. It contained not only my cash but also my identification and credit cards, which could be misused if they fell into the wrong hands. I immediately retraced my steps, hoping to find it in a familiar place. Unfortunately, my search proved futile, and I knew I had to take further action.

The first step was to report the loss to the local police station. I provided a detailed description of the wallet and the last known location where I had it. The officer advised me to monitor my bank accounts for any unauthorized transactions and to contact my bank to report the loss of my credit cards. This was a sobering reminder of the importance of being vigilant about personal security.

Next, I contacted my bank and credit card companies to inform them of the situation. They promptly placed a hold on my accounts to prevent any fraudulent activities. This step was crucial in protecting my financial information and minimizing the potential damage.

In the days that followed, I also took steps to replace my lost identification documents. This process, while tedious, was necessary to ensure my personal information remained secure.

The experience highlighted the importance of being proactive when it comes to lost items. By reporting the loss promptly and taking the necessary precautions, I was able to minimize the impact of the loss and safeguard my personal information.








❶ 我的卡丢了该怎么办?What should I do if I lose my card?

同类表达 What should I do if I lose my bankbook? 我的存折丢了该怎么办?

这样回答 Call the bank as soon as possible to report the loss. 尽早联系银行挂失。

❷ 如果丢了卡,你要先挂失。If you lose your card, you need to report the loss first.

❸ 你的卡丢失多久了?How long has your card been missing?

对话 A: I lost my bank card and I need to report it. 我的银行卡丢了,我要挂失。

B: How long has your card been missing? 你的卡丢失多久了?

A: I lost it yesterday. 我昨天丢的。

❹ 我们会冻结你的账户。We will freeze your account.

对话 A: What should I do if I lost my card? 我的卡丢了怎么办?

B: Don't worry; we will freeze your account. 别担心,我们会冻结你的账户。

❺ 我的卡丢了,请帮我查一下账户余额。Please tell me the balance in my account even though my card is lost.

对话 A: Please tell me the balance in my account even though my card is lost. 我的卡丢了,请帮我查一下账户余额。

B: Please tell me your name and password. 请告诉我你的名字和密码。

❻ 如果我的卡丢了,该如何查询账户余额呢?How to check the balance in my account if my card is lost?

对话 A: How to check the balance in my account if my card is lost? 如果我的卡丢了,该如何查询账户余额呢?

B: You can go to the bank or phone the bank. 你可以去银行或给银行打电话。

❼ 我要注销这张借记卡。I want to cancel this debit card.

同类表达 I want to close my account. 我要销户。

I don't need this account any more. 我不再需要这个账户了。

❽ 我想把这个账户里的余额取出来,然后销户。I'd like to draw all the balance in this account and then close it.

对话 A: I'd like to draw all the balance in this account and then close it. 我想把这个账户里的余额取出来,然后销户。

B: OK. Please wait a moment. 好的,请稍等。

❾ 为了免付账户管理费,我决定注销这个账户。In order not to pay the management fee of this account, I decide to close it.

❿ 这是我填好的挂失申请表。This is my filled-out application form of loss reporting.
