初中英语看图作文:Learn from Lei Feng 学习雷锋好榜样

英语作文    发布时间:2024-04-10  

初中英语看图作文:Learn from Lei Feng 学习雷锋好榜样

Learn from Lei Feng


Liu Ying and Li Lei are classmates. One Saturday afternoon they went to help their neighbour Granny Yang to do some housework. Liu Ying helped to clean the windows and Li Lei helped to sweep the floor. After an hour's work, they finished cleaning.

Granny Yang was very grateful to them. He took out the apples and said, “Come and have an apple.” Liu Ying and Li Lei didn't take the apples and said, “No, thanks.” With these words, they left the Granny Yang's house. They felt a bit tired but very happy.

Granny Yang didn't know why. Liu Ying and Li Lei said, “We are learning from Lei Feng. We will come again next Saturday.”


1)after an hour's work 一小时的工作后

2)be grateful to sb. 感激某人

3)with these words 说着这些话

4)feel a bit tired 感到有些疲劳

Learning from Lei Feng - Be a Good Role Model 学习雷锋好榜样

Lei Feng, a selfless and altruistic figure in Chinese history, has left a profound legacy of kindness and generosity. His spirit of dedication and service to others serves as an exemplary model for all of us to emulate.


Lei Feng's actions were characterized by his willingness to help others without seeking anything in return. He performed countless acts of kindness, from helping the elderly carry heavy loads to teaching illiterate children to read. His small deeds of kindness made a big difference in the lives of those around him.


We can learn from Lei Feng's spirit of selflessness and compassion by incorporating his principles into our own lives. Instead of being solely focused on our own interests, we should strive to help those in need and contribute positively to our communities.


One way to follow Lei Feng's example is by performing random acts of kindness, such as helping a classmate with their homework or assisting an elderly neighbor with household chores. By lending a helping hand whenever we can, we can spread positivity and make the world a better place.


In conclusion, Lei Feng's spirit of selflessness and service to others serves as an inspiring example for us all. Let us honor his memory by embodying his principles of kindness, generosity, and compassion in our daily lives.
