
英语作文    发布时间:2024-09-18  


农场动物 (Farm Animals)

  1. Cow (奶牛)

    • 例句: The farmer milks the cow every morning.
      翻译: 农夫每天早晨挤奶牛的奶。

  2. Horse (马)

    • 例句: The horse is used for plowing the fields.
      翻译: 这匹马用于犁地。

  3. Pig (猪)

    • 例句: Pigs are often raised for their meat.
      翻译: 猪通常是为了它们的肉而养殖的。

  4. Chicken (鸡)

    • 例句: The chickens lay fresh eggs every day.
      翻译: 这些鸡每天都会下新鲜的鸡蛋。

  5. Sheep (羊)

    • 例句: Sheep are kept for their wool and meat.
      翻译: 羊是为了它们的羊毛和肉而饲养的。

  6. Goat (山羊)

    • 例句: Goats are often used for their milk and cheese.
      翻译: 山羊常用于生产奶和奶酪。

农作物与植物 (Crops and Plants)

  1. Wheat (小麦)

    • 例句: Wheat is harvested in late summer.
      翻译: 小麦在夏末收获。

  2. Corn (玉米)

    • 例句: Corn is a staple crop in many countries.
      翻译: 玉米是许多国家的主食作物。

  3. Potato (土豆)

    • 例句: Potatoes are grown in the fields and stored for winter.
      翻译: 土豆在田里种植,并储存过冬。

  4. Tomato (番茄)

    • 例句: Tomatoes need plenty of sunlight to grow.
      翻译: 番茄需要充足的阳光才能生长。

  5. Carrot (胡萝卜)

    • 例句: Carrots are root vegetables that grow underground.
      翻译: 胡萝卜是生长在地下的根茎类蔬菜。

  6. Pumpkin (南瓜)

    • 例句: Pumpkins are often used for decoration during Halloween.
      翻译: 南瓜常用于万圣节期间的装饰。

农场设施 (Farm Facilities)

  1. Barn (谷仓)

    • 例句: The barn is used to store hay and equipment.
      翻译: 谷仓用于储存干草和设备。

  2. Stable (马厩)

    • 例句: The stable provides shelter for the horses.
      翻译: 马厩为马匹提供庇护。

  3. Silo (粮仓)

    • 例句: The silo stores grains like corn and wheat.
      翻译: 粮仓储存玉米和小麦等谷物。

  4. Fence (围栏)

    • 例句: The fence keeps the animals from wandering off.
      翻译: 围栏防止动物走失。

  5. Greenhouse (温室)

    • 例句: The greenhouse allows plants to grow in controlled conditions.
      翻译: 温室让植物在受控的环境中生长。

  6. Pond (池塘)

    • 例句: The pond provides water for the animals and helps with irrigation.
      翻译: 池塘为动物提供水源,并帮助灌溉。

农场活动 (Farm Activities)

  1. Plowing (犁地)

    • 例句: Plowing prepares the soil for planting.
      翻译: 犁地为种植准备土壤。

  2. Harvesting (收割)

    • 例句: Harvesting is done when the crops are ripe.
      翻译: 收割是在作物成熟时进行的。

  3. Feeding (喂养)

    • 例句: Feeding the animals is an important daily task.
      翻译: 喂养动物是一个重要的日常任务。

  4. Milking (挤奶)

    • 例句: Milking cows is done twice a day.
      翻译: 挤奶通常一天进行两次。

  5. Planting (种植)

    • 例句: Planting seeds is the first step in growing crops.
      翻译: 播种是种植作物的第一步。

  6. Weeding (除草)

    • 例句: Weeding helps to remove unwanted plants that compete with crops.
      翻译: 除草有助于去除与作物竞争的杂草。

农场工作 (Farm Work)

  1. Farmer (农夫)

    • 例句: The farmer manages the daily operations of the farm.
      翻译: 农夫管理农场的日常运营。

  2. Rancher (牧场主)

    • 例句: A rancher specializes in raising livestock.
      翻译: 牧场主专注于饲养牲畜。

  3. Agricultural Engineer (农业工程师)

    • 例句: An agricultural engineer works on improving farming equipment.
      翻译: 农业工程师致力于改进农业设备。

  4. Farmhand (农场工人)

    • 例句: Farmhands assist with various tasks on the farm.
      翻译: 农场工人协助完成农场上的各种任务。

  5. Veterinarian (兽医)

    • 例句: The veterinarian takes care of the animals' health.
      翻译: 兽医照顾动物的健康。
