
英语作文    发布时间:2024-07-17  



Parenting - 养育孩子

Parent-teacher conference - 家长教师会议

Parental guidance - 家长指导

Child-rearing - 抚养孩子

Discipline - 纪律

Nurture - 培养

Child development - 儿童发展

Parental involvement - 家长参与

Family values - 家庭价值观

Parental responsibility - 家长责任

Educational aspirations - 教育期望

Parental support - 家长支持

Counseling - 咨询

Homework - 家庭作业

Extracurricular activities - 课外活动

Parental control - 家长控制

Parenting styles - 育儿方式

Parent-teacher association (PTA) - 家长教师协会

Parental concern - 家长关注

Family dynamics - 家庭动态


The relationship between parents is a cornerstone of family life. When parents communicate effectively and support each other, it creates a nurturing environment for children to thrive. Mutual respect and understanding are vital, as they lay the foundation for a harmonious home. Disagreements are inevitable, but how parents handle conflicts can teach children valuable lessons in problem-solving and empathy. When parents work together as a team, sharing responsibilities and celebrating each other's strengths, the family unit becomes stronger. It is also important for parents to show affection and respect in front of their children, as this sets a positive example for healthy relationships. Ultimately, the bond between parents not only affects their own well-being but also profoundly shapes the future of their children.



❶ 你儿子今年的老师是谁?Who's your son's teacher this year?

同类表达 Which teacher did your son get? 谁是你儿子的老师?

对话 A: Who's your son's teacher this year? 你儿子今年的老师是谁?

B: It's Mr. Smith. 是史密斯先生。

❷ 你觉得你儿子今年的老师怎么样?What do you think of your son's teacher this year?

对话 A: What do you think of your son's teacher this year? 你觉得你儿子今年的老师怎么样?

B: Oh, she is very nice and responsible. 哦,她人很好,而且很负责。

❸ 你女儿喜欢她的老师吗?Does your daughter like her teacher?

同类表达 Does your daughter like her classmates? 你女儿喜欢她的同学吗?

Does your daughter like her new school? 你女儿喜欢她的新学校吗?

❹ 你女儿在新班级的表现怎么样?How's it going for your daughter in her new class?

这样回答 So far so good. 到目前为止还不错。

❺ 你儿子打了我儿子。Your son punched my son.

同类表达 Your son hit my son. 你儿子打了我儿子。

Your son kicked my son. 你儿子踢了我儿子。

❻ 你觉得我儿子有什么问题?What's your problem with my son?

同类表达 What's the issue with my son? 我儿子有什么问题?

Why do you have a problem with my son? 你为什么找我儿子的茬?

❼ 你女儿不应该再告状了。Your daughter should stop being a tattletale.

这样回答 My daughter has never done this before. 我女儿以前从没做过这样的事儿。

❽ 我认为你并不了解事情的真相。I don't think you know what really happened.

同类表达 I'll try and get to the bottom of this with my daughter as soon as possible. 我会尽快从我女儿那里弄清楚真相的。

I'll try and figure out what really happened. 我会尽量弄清楚到底发生了什么事。

❾ 如果确实是我儿子的错,他会向你女儿道歉的。If my son made a mistake, then he will apologize to your daughter.

❿ 你想怎么处理这件事?How would you like to take care of this?

同类表达 What do you think the next step should be? 你认为下一步应该怎么做?