英语笑话:The Corruption Trial 腐败的审判

英语作文    发布时间:2024-08-06  

The Corruption Trial

At the height of a political corruption trial,the prosecuting attorney attacked a witness.“Isn’t it true,”he bellowed,“that you accepted five thousand dollars to compromise this case?”The witness stared out the window,as though he hadn’t heard the question.The prosecutor again blared,“Isn’t it true that you accepted five thousand dollars to compromise this case?”The witness still did not respond.Finally,the judge leaned over and said,“Sir,please answer the question.”

“Oh,”the startled witness said,“I thought he was talking to you.”


1.Corruption Trial - 腐败审判。

2.prosecuting attorney - 检察官。

3.witness - 证人。

4.attacked - 攻击,此处指在法庭上质问。

5.bellowed - 咆哮,大声喊叫。

6.compromise - 妥协,此处指影响公正性。

7.stared out the window - 向窗外看。

8.blared - 再次大声喊叫。

9.startled - 受惊的,惊讶的。

10.leaned over - 身子凑过来。


