
英语作文    发布时间:2023-12-04  



Real Estate - 房地产

Real Estate Agent/Broker - 房地产经纪人/中介

Buyer - 买方

Seller - 卖方

Mortgage - 抵押贷款

Down Payment - 首付

Interest Rate - 利率

Property Listing - 房产上市信息

Offer - 出价

Closing Costs - 成交费用

Home Inspection - 房屋检查

Appraisal - 评估

Escrow - 第三方托管账户

Title - 产权

Deed - 产权证书

Equity - 房产净值

Pre-approval - 贷款预批准

Fixed-Rate Mortgage - 固定利率抵押贷款

Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM) - 可调利率抵押贷款

Homeowner's Insurance - 房主保险

Property Tax - 房产税

Foreclosure - 强制执行

Short Sale - 短售(债务清偿中以低于市场价出售房产)

Commission - 佣金

Lease - 租约

Tenant - 租户

Landlord - 房东

Condominium (Condo) - 公寓

Townhouse - 联排别墅

Detached House - 独立屋

Semi-detached House - 半独立屋

Curb Appeal - 外观吸引力

Open House - 开放日(供潜在买家参观的时间)

Counteroffer - 还价

Earnest Money Deposit - 定金

Home Warranty - 房屋保修

Homeowners Association (HOA) - 业主协会

Multiple Listing Service (MLS) - 多重上市服务系统

Closing Date - 成交日期

Walk-through - 最终验房


Buyer: Hello, I'm interested in purchasing a home and would like some assistance.

Agent: Of course! I'd be happy to help you. What kind of property are you looking for?

Buyer: I'm looking for a three-bedroom house in a family-friendly neighborhood.

Agent: Do you have a preferred location and budget in mind?

Buyer: I'd like to stay within the downtown area and my budget is around $300,000.

Agent: Great, there are several properties that fit your criteria. Have you been pre-approved for a mortgage yet?

Buyer: Yes, I have my pre-approval letter ready.

Agent: Perfect. Let's schedule some viewings then. When are you available to see the houses?

Buyer: I can make time this weekend.

Agent: Wonderful. I'll arrange the viewings and send you the details. We'll also need to discuss the potential closing costs and other expenses.

Buyer: That sounds good. Thank you for your help.













Buying a House

Buying a house is a significant milestone in one's life. It involves a series of steps that require careful consideration and planning. The first step is to assess your financial situation. This includes examining your savings, income, and credit score. A good credit score is essential for getting a favorable mortgage rate.

Once you have your finances in order, the next step is to get pre-approved for a mortgage. This will give you an idea of how much you can afford and show sellers that you are a serious buyer. With the pre-approval in hand, you can start looking for a house that fits your needs and budget.

Finding the right home can be a challenge. It's important to consider the location, size, and type of house you want. You may also want to think about the potential for future growth in the area, the quality of local schools, and proximity to work and amenities.

When you find a house you like, you'll make an offer. If the seller accepts, you'll move forward with a home inspection to ensure there are no hidden issues. After that, you'll proceed to the closing process, where you'll finalize your mortgage, pay the down payment and closing costs, and receive the keys to your new home.

Buying a house is a complex but rewarding process. It's an investment in your future and provides a sense of security and stability for you and your family.








❶ 公寓的地段很重要。The location of the apartment is very important.

同类表达 It's about thirty minutes driving from the city to my house. 房子离城里有半个小时的车程。

The apartment is conveniently located. 这个公寓地段好,交通便利。

❷ 我想看看出售的房子。I'm interested in seeing the houses for sale.

同类表达 Would it be OK to look at the room now? 现在就能看房吗?

We will go to the estate agent to see what they can offer. 我们打算去房产中介看看有什么房子。

❸ 我计划买二手房。I plan to buy a second-hand house.

对话 A: I don't think buying a new house now is wise enough. 我觉得现在买新房不太明智。

B: That's true, so I plan to buy a second-hand house. 是的。所以我决定买二手房。

❹ 这房子采光很好。This house has good lighting.

同类表达 I want a house whose balcony faces south. 我想要一个阳台朝南的房子。

The environment of this apartment is nice. 这套公寓的环境很好。

❺ 那是一栋六层楼的房子。That is a house of six stories.

同类表达 That's a new apartment with two bedrooms. 那是一套两居的新公寓。

❻ 能告诉我一些房子的情况吗?Could you tell me something about the house?

这样回答 The apartment is small, but fully equipped. 这套公寓虽小,但设备齐全。

We have the radiator system in winter. 我们冬天有暖气。

It's a furnished new apartment. 那是一套带家具的新公寓。

❼ 这套公寓比其他的便宜很多。This apartment is much cheaper than others.

对话 A: How about the price? 价钱呢?

B: This apartment is much cheaper than others. 这套公寓比其他的便宜很多。

❽ 你怎么负担得起这么大的房子?How can you afford such a big house?

这样回答 I did many part-time jobs in order to afford this house. 为了负担得起这间房子,我做了很多兼职工作。

❾ 我打算买套公寓。I plan to buy an apartment.

同类表达 We bought a new house in the suburbs. 我们在郊区买了一栋房子。

❿ 在你买房之前,先找人鉴定一下。Have the house surveyed before you buy it.
