
英语作文    发布时间:2024-01-08  



doubt - 怀疑

suspicion - 怀疑

uncertainty - 不确定

skepticism - 怀疑主义

questioning - 质疑

incredulity - 不相信

distrust - 不信任

skeptical - 怀疑的

doubtful - 可疑的

suspicious - 怀疑的

uncertain - 不确定的

questionable - 有问题的

incredulous - 不相信的

distrustful - 不信任的

to doubt - 怀疑

to suspect - 怀疑

to question - 质疑

to hesitate - 犹豫

to second-guess - 自我怀疑

to be skeptical - 表示怀疑

to cast doubt on - 对...表示怀疑

to raise suspicions - 引起怀疑

to have doubts about - 对...有疑问

to be uncertain of - 对...不确定

to be skeptical of - 对...持怀疑态度

to be suspicious of - 对...持怀疑态度


A: I have some doubts about the new project. I'm not sure if it's going to be successful.

B: What makes you doubt its success?

A: Well, we haven't received enough feedback from our target audience yet. And there are still some unresolved technical issues.

B: I understand your concerns, but we have a talented team working on this project. I believe they can overcome any challenges that come their way.

A: That's true, but I think we should conduct more market research and address the technical issues before moving forward.

B: You make a valid point. Let's discuss this with the team and see how we can gather more feedback and resolve the technical issues. It's important to address your doubts and ensure the success of the project.

A: 我对这个新项目有一些怀疑。我不确定它是否会成功。

B: 是什么让你对它的成功产生了怀疑?

A: 嗯,我们还没有从目标受众那里得到足够的反馈。而且还有一些未解决的技术问题。

B: 我理解你的担忧,但我们有一个才华横溢的团队在做这个项目。我相信他们可以克服任何遇到的挑战。

A: 这倒是真的,但我认为在继续推进之前,我们应该进行更多的市场调研,并解决技术问题。

B: 你说得有道理。让我们与团队讨论一下,看看如何收集更多的反馈并解决技术问题。解决你的怀疑并确保项目的成功是很重要的。


Doubt: The Catalyst for Growth and Discovery

Doubt is often seen as a negative emotion, a harbinger of uncertainty and hesitation. However, when viewed from a different perspective, doubt can be a powerful catalyst for growth and discovery.

It is through doubt that we question our assumptions and challenge the status quo. Doubt pushes us to seek answers, to probe deeper, and to explore beyond the surface of what we know. It is the engine behind scientific inquiry, the driving force behind philosophical debate, and the spark that ignites the flame of creativity.

Doubt can be uncomfortable, as it often leads us into unfamiliar territory, but it is in these uncharted waters that we find the most profound insights. It is the doubters who have changed the course of history, from Galileo challenging the geocentric model of the universe to Martin Luther questioning the authority of the Church.

Embracing doubt does not mean succumbing to cynicism or despair. Instead, it is about cultivating a healthy skepticism, an open-mindedness that allows us to consider alternative viewpoints and to learn from our mistakes. Doubt can lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us, fostering intellectual humility and resilience.

In a world that is increasingly complex and fast-paced, doubt serves as a reminder to slow down, to think critically, and to question. It is a valuable tool for navigating the uncertainties of life and for making informed decisions that stand the test of time.








❶ 别胡扯了。Come off it.

同类表达 Knock it off.

对话 A: Have you heared that Jenny has broken up with Nick? 你听说珍妮和尼克分手的消息了吗?

B: Come off it. 别胡扯了。

❷ 我不信。I doubt it.

对话 A: I have heard his father is rich. 我听说他爸爸很有钱。

B: I doubt it. 我不信。

❸ 我不信他的话。I won't buy his story.

对话 A: Come on, he told you the truth. 拜托,他说的是实话。

B: I won't buy his story. 我不信他的话。

❹ 我觉得他在说谎。I think he is lying.

对话 A: The man said he didn't know the victim. 那个男人说他不认识被害者。

B: I think he is lying. 我觉得他在说谎。

❺ 你是认真的吗?Are you serious?

对话 A: I want to break up with him. 我想和他分手。

B: Are you serious? 你是认真的吗?

❻ 你开玩笑吧?Are you joking?

同类表达 Do you mean it? 是真的吗?

Are you kidding? 你说着玩的吧?

对话 A: I quit my job. 我把工作辞了。

B: Are you joking? 你开玩笑吧?

A: I'm serious. 我是认真的。

❼ 听起来可疑。It sounds fishy to me.

同类表达 It sounds suspicious to me.

Something's fishy.

❽ 我不把他的话太当真。I don't take his words too seriously.

同类表达 I don't pay much attention to what he says.

对话 A: Do you think he is serious? 你觉得他是认真的吗?

B: I don't take his words too seriously. 我不把他的话太当真。

❾ 我不相信他。I don't believe him.

同类表达 I don't trust him.

❿ 有这么好的事! It's too good to be true!

对话 A: I won two tickets to Hawaii. 我赢了两张去夏威夷的票。

B: It's too good to be true! 有这么好的事!