所属栏目:每日翻译 发布时间:1970-01-01 浏览:4599
horse(n.) 马 sense(n.) 感觉,意识;(v.)理解 你的第一反应肯定以为这意思就是“马的感觉”,直接翻译就是这样。 作为惯用语,这个说法当然就是错误的了。这时候,"Horse sense" 的意思是指常识、实用智慧、头脑清醒的判断力。 为什么horse sense是常识的意思呢? 它来源于十八世纪美国的西部,那时候的人们经常骑马代步,他们发现马不仅不容易迷路,而且还会趋吉避凶,于是人们就觉得马的记忆力还有感知能力超强,马儿很聪明,能识别出各种环境做出判断,所以人们就用horse sense来指代“常识”。 例句: He showed his political horse sense in a carefully worded speech. 他的一篇字斟句酌的演讲显示了他的政治常识。 Horse sense tells me that it would be suicide to do such a thing. 常识告诉我,那样做等于自杀。 - If you want to succeed in business, you need to have some horse sense. You can't just rely on book knowledge. (如果你想在商业上成功,你需要有一些常识。你不能只依靠书本知识。) - My grandfather always said that the key to a happy life is to use your horse sense and not get caught up in the latest fads. (我祖父总是说,快乐生活的关键是要运用你的常识,不要被最新的潮流所迷惑。) - The politician showed a lot of horse sense by listening to the concerns of his constituents and taking action to address them. (那位政客通过倾听选民的关切并采取行动来解决问题,表现出了很高的常识。)