“The goose hangs high.”不是“那只鹅被高高挂起。”

所属栏目:每日翻译    发布时间:2023-04-26       浏览:1243

The goose hangs high. 【误译】那只鹅被高高挂起。 【正确】前途光明。 说明:The goose hangs high是美国口语,意为“形势大好”、“前途光明”、“前景美好”。hang在这里是不及物动词,high是副词。 "The goose hangs high" 这句话在美式英语中有 "形势大好" 的意思,它通常用于形容某人或某事的成功、优越或繁荣。 这个短语的字面意思是 "那只鹅飞得很高",用来比喻某人或某事处于成功或优越的状态。 例如,当一支球队赢得比赛或者一位企业家的公司赚了很多钱时,人们可能会说 "The goose is hanging high." 来表示他们的成功和繁荣。 1. After a successful marketing campaign, the company's sales have been soaring and the goose is definitely hanging high. (在一次成功的营销活动之后,公司的销售额一直在飙升,形势非常有利。) 2. With their new product line hitting the market, the fashion designer's brand is experiencing tremendous growth and the goose is hanging high. (随着他们的新产品线进入市场,这位时尚设计师的品牌正在经历巨大的增长,形势非常好。) 3. The athlete has been training hard and his performance in the tournament has been outstanding, so it's safe to say the goose is hanging high. (这位运动员一直在努力训练,他在比赛中的表现非常出色,所以可以肯定地说他的情况非常有利。) 4. The company's financial statements show a significant increase in profits, and with new investments on the horizon, the goose is definitely hanging high. (公司的财务报表显示利润有了显著的增长,而且有新的投资计划即将到来,形势非常有利。)