- 我曾经使用log4j因为它是最流行的,但是最近,我决定在我的新项目中尝试jdklogger。
- I used to use log4j because it was most popular , but recently decided to try jdk logger in my current project .
- 之前我曾阅读了一些logging框架的历史,并尝试和理解为什么许多开发者对jdklogger充满敌意。
- A while ago I did some reading about the history of logging frameworks to try and understand the hostility many developers still have towards jdk logger .
- 之后通用的日志工具(commons-logging)包装被创建以提供库和应用,使用log4j还是jdklogger则依赖于环境内的配置。
- Later the commons-logging wrapper was created to provide libraries and applications the ability to use either log4j or jdk logger depending on what is present in the environment .