os 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The fix is part of the os x software update called java for os x 2012-001 .
- i该补救措施是苹果操作系统软件更新JavaforOSX2012-001的一部分。
- " Chrome os is a very important and strategic effort for us , " says sengupta . "
- 森谷普塔称:“Chrome操作系统对我们来说是非常重要的战略举措。
- In mozilla 's case , the software community recently announced the creation of its own firefox os .
- 至于Mozilla,这家软件社区最近宣布将自行研发火狐操作系统。
- Rim can add value on the android platform by delivering a business version of the os .
- RIM可以在安卓平台上提供商务版操作系统,提升自身的价值。
- The blackberry 7 os itself should offer an easier and faster user experience and voice-activated search .
- 黑莓7操作系统能提供更加便捷的用户体验和语音搜索功能。
- We believe google will eventually strengthen its ability to control the os in future launches .
- 我们相信,谷歌未来一定会加强控制操作系统的能力。
- Microsoft is integrating navteq into their phone 7 os .
- 而微软则将把Navteq整合进自己的Phone7操作系统。
- Firefox os is based on linux and is open source .
- 火狐操作系统是基于Linux,而且采用的是开放源码。
- Its os advantages are immense .
- 微软的操作系统优势巨大。
- What if blackberry os next doesn 't take off ?
- 如果下一代黑莓操作系统没有发布会怎样?