- 检查一座房屋的临时鹰架。
- Examine the falsework of a house .
- 如果被包装为通向财政联盟或共同债券的一个阶段性举措的话这个公约至少还能缓解债券市场的紧张局面。
- Thecommitment to the compact might at least have eased bond-market tensions if itwere presented as a staging post to a fiscal union or to common bonds .
- 仅在过去的一夜,据守集结地的霉菌陆战队就二死五伤。
- During the past night alone the marines holding the staging area sustained 2 killed and 5 wounded .
- 这一环境通常与临时环境或者集成环境相结合。
- This environment is quite often combined with either staging or integration .
- 他们的床是用脚手架杆子做的,厨房是用回收的木头和花岗石做的,门厅过道的地砖是用消防水龙带制的。
- Their bed is made from scaffold poles , the kitchen is created from reclaimed wood and granite and the tiles in their hallway are made from old firemen 's hoses .
- 他说,他可以让承包商上脚手架上走一走,但是她拒绝了,说她恐高。
- He said he offered to let the inspector walk on the scaffold , but she declined and said she was afraid of heights .
- 苏特拉德哈尔博士的最终目的是用这种方法构建一个供真骨在其上生长的支架。
- Dr sutradhar 's ultimate aim is to use the method to construct a scaffold on which real bone could be grown .