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chemo 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

I 'm convinced it was the shock of the diagnosis rather than my treatment that did it , because I didn 't have chemo or radiotherapy .
After her cancer began growing again last fall , cooney resumed intravenous chemo and hopes for a good response .
Still he stuck it out through three years and three courses of chemo .
We had tried one chemo regimen after another , trying to kill off her disease - or at least kill enough of it so she could get a stem cell transplant .
So naturally its been suggested that if a there were a way to target chemo - or radio - therapy these treatments would sho significantly less toxicity .
In addition to undergoing surgery and chemo at a hospital , cooney sought palliative care through an outpatient center , the sari asher center for integrative cancer care in palm beach .
This chemo process is then horrifyingly spread through a phone virus , that rings cell phones and those on their contact lists , to sound a special frequency , that kills the listeners .
In comparison , chemo can give newly diagnosed lung cancer patients an extra two to three months of life , says study co-author thomas lynch , director of the yale cancer center .
Remembering the children in the chemo center , however , he says , " getting them some relief , giving them some hope , would be worth it . "
She is also taking a drug called arimidex to kill any stray cells that may have evaded her chemo and radiation treatments and to block her body 's production of estrogen , a hormone that can feed breast cancer tumors .