
v.超过( surpass的第三人称单数 );优于;多于;非…所能办到
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- The gsk settlement surpasses what had been the largest criminal case involving a drug maker in us history .
- 葛兰素史克公司的和解超过了此前美国历史上制药公司最大规模的刑事案件赔偿。
- The internet browser far surpasses most phones , but the lack of multitouch hurts the experience .
- 内置浏览器远远超过其他的手机,但是缺少多点触控功能损害了用户体验。
- And eligible products no longer need to have technology that reaches or surpasses international standards .
- 另外,有资格竞标的产品,不再需要拥有达到或超过国际标准的技术。
- The apprentice proposes , the master disposes , until the apprentice surpasses the master .
- 学徒提出自己的看法,而师傅规整各种看法,直到学徒的技艺超过师傅。
- The u.s. index regularly surpasses a level of 300 , which the u.s. government classifies as hazardous pollution .
- 美方指数经常超过300,而据美国政府的分类,超过300即为污染达到了危险程度。
- Mcafee ceo david dewalt says cyber-crime has become a us $ 105 billion business that now surpasses the value of the illegal drug trade worldwide .
- mcafeeceodaviddewalt说网络威胁和犯罪已经成为1050亿美元的商业活动,已经超过了全球范围内违法毒品的交易。
- The laird surpasses in price australia 's most famous high-end wine , penfolds grange , whose 2005 release sells for more than a $ 550 a bottle .
- laird的售价超过了澳洲最著名的高端葡萄酒奔富葛兰许(penfoldsgrange),其2005年份的葡萄酒每瓶售价超过550澳元。
- Bangladesh , despite its poverty , now surpasses both india and pakistan on employment and empowerment of women .
- 尽管非常贫困,但孟加拉国在女性就业许可方面已经超过了印度和巴基斯坦。
- Even if the size of the ipo surpasses that of icbc , it still falls short of the bank 's goal to raise as much as $ 30 billion .
- 即使农行ipo规模超过工商银行,仍没有达到该行筹集至多300亿美元的目标。
- He calls it frustrating that an " interesting debate " begun by the tea-party movement on the size of the state has now taken on a zeal that surpasses british understanding .
- 他用令人沮丧这个词来形容了由美国茶叶党运动发起的所谓“有意义的辩论”,这种在美国全境呈现出来的热情已经超过了英国人的理解范围。