
v.恢复(健康、体力等),复原( recuperate的现在分词 )
recuperating 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- He is still recuperating from his operation .
- 他动手术后仍在恢复中。
- Uncle derek is now home and recuperating .
- 德里克是叔叔现在家里休养。
- He 's recuperating from major heart surgery .
- 他做完心脏大手术后,正在休养恢复。
- Mr kim , 66 , reportedly suffered a stroke last month and is recuperating after emergency brain surgery .
- 金正日,66岁,据报道,上个月中风实施紧急脑部手术后正在休养。
- This is the good news the boys needed as bryan mcfadden recently suffered nervous exhaustion and had to miss some shows while recuperating back in ireland with his family .
- 在布赖恩麦克法登最近患精神衰弱,不得不放弃一些演出,回爱尔兰和家人团聚疗养之际,这无疑是男孩儿们需要的好消息。
- He was in hospital recuperating from his injuries at the time .
- 那时他在医院养伤。
- Sonja spent two weeks recuperating after the operation .
- 宋娅手术后两星期才恢复过来。
- Each time I am recuperating sensations and I hope to obtain success with liverpool this season .
- 每当我修养的时候,我都会感觉也希望这赛季在利物浦可以获得成功。
- Fact : muscles grow while you are resting and recuperating .
- 事实:肌肉生长,但你休养生息.
- At any given time , 200 people will be recuperating in the saline grottoes , staying for afternoon or overnight sessions .
- 任何时候,含盐分的洞穴都会有200人在接受康复治疗,他们在那里待一下午或通宵。