
v.恢复(健康、体力等),复原( recuperate的过去式和过去分词 )
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- For practicing health qigong well and get better health effects , in daily life , the life should be recuperated well and make life style healthy .
- 要练好健身气功,取得更好的健身效果,在日常生活中,同样要调理好生活,促使生活方式健康化。
- For a while she recuperated there .
- 她曾在那儿休养了一个时期。
- Slowly john recuperated until he was ' back to normal ' ( or close to it ) .
- 约翰慢慢疗养,直到他被'恢复正常'(或接近).
- I have only just recuperated from a severe illness .
- 我刚刚大病初愈。
- Endris replayed the attack in his mind as he recuperated ; he wondered if he 'd ever surf again .
- endris在恢复的时候在脑子里回想着被攻击的情景;他想以后还能不能再冲浪了。
- Dr nuland , then but a student , was asked to keep an eye on him while he recuperated .
- 当时努兰医生还是个学生,人家要他等病人好了以后看着点儿。
- Well this is interesting and earth would like to share some of the recent records recuperated surrounding the pharaohs of ancient egypt .
- 这个唔,非常有趣,地球很愿意分享一些围绕古埃及的法老最近所复原的记录。
- He traveled to baghdad in may 2002 for medical treatment , staying in the capital of iraq for two months while he recuperated to fight another day .
- 他于2002年5月前往巴格达治病,呆了两个月等待身体复原。
- The periodical physical examination must be given to a patient who has recuperated from hepatitis .
- 患有肝炎的人,即使痊愈了,也要定期检查身体.
- Can be disease of department of gynaecology recuperated through food ?
- 妇科病可以通过饮食调理么?