
v.再发生,复发( recur的过去式和过去分词 );治愈
recurred 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Can sexual precocity be recurred ?
- 性早熟可以治愈吗?
- Can the falling sickness disease be recurred ?
- 癫痫病可以治愈吗?
- Serious lead poisoning can be recurred what .
- 重度铅中毒可以治愈吗。
- Bone arthritis can be recurred what .
- 骨关节炎可以治愈吗。
- In the initial stage of intervening therapy , his status became better , but his illness recurred later .
- 做了介入治疗以后呀,开始病情是好转的,后来病情又复发了。
- Women whose cancer recurred increased their carbohydrate by 2.3g per day during the first year , while those who did not see a recurrence reduced their intake by 2.7g .
- 在的一年里,癌症复发的女性每日摄入的碳水化合物增加了2.3克,而那些没有复发的女性每日碳水化合物的摄入量减少了2.7克。
- When political leaders continued their inadequate crisis response , markets noticed and crisis conditions recurred more quickly than expected .
- 政治领导人的危机应对措施依然缺乏足够的力度,市场注意到了这点,危机状况很快再次浮现,比人们预期的更快。
- The thought of going traveling abroad has often recurred to her mind .
- 在她的脑海里常常出现想到国外去旅行的想法。
- After dinner , they recurred to plans for their vacation .
- 晚饭后他们又谈起了度假计划。
- This recurred to his mind unceasingly .
- 这些话不停地回到他的脑子里。