

surpluses 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Big surpluses were the result .
- 结果就是产生了大量的贸易顺差。
- That was a public capital outflow aimed at supporting its trade surpluses .
- 这是一种旨在支持其贸易顺差的公共资本外流。
- Another round of huge increases in excess capacity and current account surpluses seems inevitable .
- 另一轮过剩产能和经常账户盈余的大幅增长已成必然。
- Corporate profits are surging as well as trade surpluses and government budgets .
- 集团利益、贸易顺差和政府预算都在急剧增加。
- Countries with surpluses must encourage private spending at home more vigorously .
- 那些有盈余的国家必须更加积极地鼓励国内私人消费。
- Or companies overinvest in factories and office buildings ; investment spending collapses when the surpluses become obvious .
- 或者各公司在工厂和办公楼投资过多,当投资过剩变地显而易见时,投资就瞬间瓦解。
- The pattern of developed-country deficits and emerging-market surpluses is likely to continue .
- 发达国家资金不足、新兴市场资金富余,这种局面可能还会继续。
- The draft offered a possible carrot for emerging economies with surpluses to contribute more to the imf .
- 草案对有财政余力向imf贡献更多资金的新兴经济体提供了一个可能的“奖赏”。
- We have consistently been able to achieve budget surpluses averaging 2 % of gdp .
- 我们一直都能达到平均占每年本地生产总值2%的财政盈馀。
- With my management experience I can make up deficits and get surpluses within one year .
- 凭借我本人的管理经验,我能在一年之内扭亏为盈。