

alive 变化形式
易混淆的单词: ALIVEAlive
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- Many great writers were not fully appreciated when they were alive .
- 很多伟大的作家没有完全被欣赏当他们活着的时候。
- Then make sure the planet itself is not alive .
- 那你就得确认这个星球它自己不是活的。
- Both mr beketov and mr kashin are lucky to be alive .
- 比克托夫和卡申都还幸运地活了下来。
- Keep him alive if you can , I said .
- 我对医生说,请尽可能让他活下去。
- It wasn 't near as bad as , say , being eaten alive by wolves .
- 说起来,它也还并没有糟糕到被群狼活活吞噬的地步。
- I had put the horrible thing into the wall , alive , with my wife !
- 我把这可怕的东西,同我妻子一起,活活砌到墙里去了!
- In other places , the water got so hot that the luckless bathers were simply boiled alive .
- 在其他地方,水被大火烧得很热,一些倒霉的游泳者被活活地煮死了。
- The sharks can no longer swim and either starve to death or are eaten alive by other fish .
- 而鲨鱼由于失去了游泳的能力,它们要么会饿死,要么会被其他鱼活活吃掉。
- Meanwhile , egyptians burned gingers alive , and the greeks reckoned they turned into vampires when they died .
- 同时,埃及人将红头发的人活活烧死,希腊人曾认为他们死后会化身为吸血鬼。
- Everyone alive today is descended from a long line of people who did reproduce themselves .
- 今天还活着的人是一长串的自我复制人的后裔。