
suppers 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Not coming back until evening , she would just come back to prepare suppers for me .
- 直到晚上才回来,她刚回来就会为我准备晚饭.
- Tradition : in mexico , dining is more than a meal . It 's a social occasion - lunches are rarely quick and suppers can last for hours .
- 文化传统:在墨西哥,就餐不仅仅是填饱肚子那么简单,更是一种社交场合午餐很少会匆忙结束战斗,晚饭要吃上几个小时。
- He was among a list of party donors to have enjoyed " kitchen suppers " in the pm 's downing street flat .
- 他也是该党的捐赠人之一,享受首相在唐宁街公寓举行的厨房晚餐。
- Eat cereals for breakfast , sandwiches during the day , suppers of simple food like fried chicken , pizzas , or hamburgers .
- 吃谷物早餐,三明治中餐,晚餐只要些简单的食物像炸鸡、披萨或者汉堡。
- Stores can be so small that they have to switch from selling sandwiches at lunchtime to selling ready-made suppers in the afternoon .
- 商店有时候很小,有时候中午卖三明治,到了下午就要快速转向销售简易晚餐。
- Her suppers often included celebrities .
- 她的晚宴经常是很出名。
- Here you will find such activities as church suppers , dances , discussion groups , sports and social activities , and youth programs .
- 你在那里可以见到教友聚餐会,舞会、座谈会、运动会,社会活动和青年活动等。
- But the wansinks measured the portion sizes in 52 last suppers , and found that the bread was 23 percent bigger in more modern paintings , while the entrees grew a whopping 70 percent .
- 但万辛克兄弟对52幅《最后的晚餐》当中的食物份量进行了测定,发现现代画作当中的面包比早期的大了23%,主菜份量的增长幅度更是高达70%。
- The county fairs and pie suppers were fertile territory .
- 县里的集市和馅饼晚餐会是个“丰产”地带。
- My parents often chat with me after suppers .
- 晚饭后,我的父母经常都和我聊天.